Chapter 13: Moonlight Marauders

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Moonlight sparkled off of the silver concrete, heat still irradiating upward from it after a day spent baking in the sun. The clicking of shoes echoed down the empty street, only the noise of the wind and the songs of the cicadas any indication that life existed.

Not many people went out at night in Wellicker, mainly because there was nothing to do. One of the bad things of living in a small town where "night life" consists of anything before 8:00 PM, or 7:00PM on Sundays.

"Ughhhh why did you even call me out here... I'm tired... and hungry." Natsu whined out behind me, his head lulling onto his shoulders with his eyes half closed.

"SHHH!" I halted my steps turning violently to address him in a heated whisper. "It's not like you had to answer your phone!"

He slumped forward, his eyes squinched and mouth furrowed half-heartedly. "What else are you supposed to do when someone calls?"

I felt my irritation build deciding to storm off down the street rather than yell at him further.

We kept walking main street, keeping tabs on the buildings and alleys for any sign of movement. With every block I felt my feet and eyelids grow heavier, only the pain from the blisters keeping me from passing out.

"This is useless." I groaned with my arms swinging loosely at my sides, as I halted in the middle of the sidewalk my head bent in dejection. The moon was higher now, likely at its peak, its light pouring directly onto the concrete to shower the town in a softer ray of sunlight.

"What are we even looking for?" Natsu chimed in as he caught up to me, stopping on my right.

"Are you kidding me? We've been walking around for how long now and you are just now asking this question?!"

He shrugged. "I mean I know you said we're looking for this superhero vigilante or something. But like... don't you think a guy like that would know how to hide?"

I straightened my back.

"I mean if he didn't, then how would he get the drop on all the bad guys! Gotta be ninja!" He squatted downward, stuffing his face into his sweatshirt whilst posing his hands as if he was in a martial arts movie.

My mouth dropped slightly as Natsu continued to pose. "'re a genius!"

He poked his head out, standing straight once more. "Heck yea I am!" He slammed his fists together in pride before cocking his head curiously. "But... why?"

Without thinking I grabbed his arm and started dragging him down the nearest alley. I positioned myself against the wall, posing Natsu directly in front of me. The buildings blocked some of the moonlight, casting shadows along his frame, defining his sharp features.

"Put your hood up." Without asking questions he did as I asked, his face now even more obscured.

It was perfect, like a scene right out of one of my novels. The classic damsel in distress.

"Okay, attack me!" I smiled, brimming at my genius.

With no hesitation, I saw Natsu's fist cock back and come flying toward me. In a panic, I ducked, just before his hand made contact with the brick wall behind me. The impact was loud, and I half expected to hear Natsu cry out in pain, but instead I felt a slight dusting of debris grace my shoulders.

"What the heck was that?!" I yelled at him, still ducking with my hands over my head.

He brushed off his jacket. "You told me to attack you."

"Not literally! You were supposed to pretend to attack me to draw out the vigilante!"

He crossed his arms. "Oh. Well, you really shoulda been more clear. Anybody could've made that mistake."

I got up off the ground, my heart pounding and grey dust littering my clothes.

"Who the heck would just punch someone on demand!" I guffawed at the small dent in the wall that he had made with just his fist. "What if I hadn't ducked!"

He chuckled. "Nah I knew you would."

I groaned irritably. "Ugh whatever just... let's try again." I held up a finger to clarify my words. "Pretend to attack me."

He rolled his eyes. "Yea yea I got it."

He cleared his throat, twisting his neck from side to side as if he was preparing for his lead role in the latest community theatre production.

"You, there!" He pointed at me, his chest puffed out and head angled upward. "Give me your wallet and all your possessions, for I am robbing you!"

I slammed my hand to my face in exasperation. "Are you a robber or a war lord?! That's not believable at all!"

Natsu scoffed. "It was too! That's like what every robber sounds like!"

"From what century?!" I walked up closer to him, my irritation building with every second.

"All of them."

He crossed his arms, and closed his eyes obviously pleased with his performance.

"You're utterly impossible." I shook my head.

At this rate, it wasn't looking like my plan would be even remotely successful. I sighed. It was worth a shot, right?

"Come on Natsu let's-"

Right as I felt the words slip from my mouth, I heard a loud thud from further down the alley. Natsu and I both turned, watching intently as the shadows moved farther in the corner.

There was a clicking as it moved closer, the sound of boots to concrete, and with each click I felt my heart skip.

"Well, I must say..." The clear voice came from the shadows right as a hooded figure stepped out, the moonlight shedding some clarity on his features. "This is one of the more interesting ways anyone's tried to contact me."

My breath halted. It couldn't be. It wasn't.... "Are you..." My voice caught in my throat afraid to jinx the miracle. With squinted eyes I thought I could see a small smile peak out from under the hood.

With a slow motion, the hooded figure raised his hands, gripping the rim of his cap. Slowly he lowered the covering, and moonlight highlighted his bright blue hair and distinctive red tattoo over his right eye.

"Just call me Jellal."

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