Chapter 15: Who Comes Into a Diner

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An incessant beeping echoed around the room causing Lucy to stir slightly in her bed, the white sheets crinkled.

She turned to her side, letting her eyes flutter open as she stared onto the floor. Although she wasn't sure why, she had half expected to see Natsu laying there on the ground, snoring loudly with drool spilling out of his open mouth.

It was well into the early morning hours by the time they had gotten back to her apartment, and Lucy had tried to convince him to stay. The request wasn't entirely selfless, her nerves having been shot ever since seeing the key and ripped page.

"Nah, can't. Gotta get back before bro knows I'm gone." Natsu swung his hands above his head as Lucy unlocked her door.

"Oh, that makes sense." There was a jingling as Lucy fiddled with her keys.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." He turned around, walking back the way they had just come. Lucy bit her lip.

"Hey, Natsu?" His head cocked back and his hands dropped to his sides.

"What's up?"

"I don't want you to tell Zeref about anything that happened tonight or about what's going on." Lucy straightened her back, an attempt at seeming more confident than she really was.

Natsu stared at her for a moment. "Okay."

Lucy felt a wave of relief settle over her. "Thank you."

His face brightened as he gave a smile before continuing to walk away.

Lucy buried her face in her pillow as the beeping continued.

"Why did I do this to myself?"

With an exasperated sigh, she sat herself up and clicked the off button on her alarm. She started at the bright and bold letters on her screen. 7:00 AM. A whopping 3 hours of sleep. Great.

Her mind still numb from the lack of rest, Lucy went about her morning routine on autopilot. Shower. Dress. Feed the cat. Granola bar. Leave.

The underground crew, at least that's what Lucy had decided to call them until a better name presented itself, had all decided to meet up the following evening to search the woods where Erza had found Jellal. Lucy said a silent prayer that she would be able to get off early so she would have enough time for at least a short nap before then. She was at least grateful Natsu was scheduled to work later that day. At the very least, his company would help keep her awake.

The bell rung as she entered the diner, the usual crew shoveling greased up potatoes and eggs into their mouths while pouring over the morning paper.

"Good morning, Jet!" Despite her attempts to hide it, she let out small yawn as she adorned her apron.

"Good morning, stay up late writing again?" Jet called out across the server hatch, noticing the unfortunately visible dark circles.

"Something like that." Lucy propped her elbows on the counter, her hand holding her face. "This is going to be a long day." Her eyes fluttered closed from the heaviness.

There was a loud ding tolling the entrance of another visitor. She heard the footsteps as they approached the counter. Slowly, Lucy opened her eyes, pulling her head away from her hands.

"Welcome to the Dine and Dash, how can I-" Lucy's voice caught in her throat as her eyes came dead even with a pair of soulless black.

"Good morning, Lucy." Zeref's voice was soft with a hint of sweetness that made her skin crawl.

"Zeref!" Adrenaline coursed through her veins causing her to stutter out her words. "G-good morning!"

He smiled, his face still every bit as cold.

"W-what can I get for you?"

Zeref cocked his head down to look at the menu, his expression calculated. "I'll take a black coffee for now, and an order of egg whites."

Lucy scribbled down the ticket in her book. "No problem!"

Her body fully awake now, Lucy sped over to the coffee pot pouring the dark liquid into the ceramic mug.

There was a light click as she placed it in front of him.

"Thank you."

Lucy forced a smile before starting to walk away. If she looked busy maybe he wouldn't bother her.

"Uh... actually..."

Lucy hesitated, turning back around to face him. Her breathing was ragged as her eyes met his, terror creeping in almost as if he would be able to read her thoughts just by staring at her.

"I happened to notice that Natsu snuck out last night." Zeref took a sip of the coffee, letting the mug clatter as he set it back on the counter. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"

There was a pounding as Lucy's heart echoed in her ears.

"No, I'm sorry I don't."

There was a pause before Zeref hummed. "Hmm. Very well."

Before he could rope her into another question, Lucy walked away doing everything she could to avoid the counter, including bus tables.

As she dropped off her latest load of dirty plates and mugs she heard Jet call out from the hatch. "Order up!"

Peeking in, she saw the crinkled white scramble laying on the cream plate, topped with shavings of cilantro.

With an internal groan Lucy grabbed the plate and laid it in front of Zeref.

"Lucy..." She felt every muscle in her tense. "You were also interested in history if I remember correctly?"

Was this a trick? Or was he really going to let the whole Natsu thing go? It didn't really seem like him, especially considering this was the man that had almost hit her.

"Erm... yea. A little. But I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable as you!" She waved her hands out in front of her to dismiss any idea that she claimed brilliance in the subject.

"Wonderful. I would love it if you would stop by my office later, there's an artifact I would love to get your opinion on."

He wiped his mouth with his napkin as he finished up another bite of egg.

"I really don't think I'll be able to help you that much. I mean if a professor can't figure it out..."

Zeref repeated that smile of his. Lucy couldn't help but feel a threatening nature behind it.

"I disagree. I think your input will be invaluable." He rose from his chair, depositing a wad of cash next to the plate. "I will be expecting you later this afternoon."

Without waiting for Lucy's acceptance of the proposal, he waltzed out of the door, leaving Lucy with a bill way overpaid and a ball of wired nerves.

Lucy squirmed as she picked up the dishes, staring at the half-eaten plate of eggs and still warm mug of coffee. Who came into a diner, barely touched their food, and then left a ridiculous amount for a tip?

Someone who didn't come to eat.

Lucy shivered. Who the heck was this guy? And what in the world did he want?

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