Chapter 18: Fairy Stone

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Hiking up the stairs of the academic building wasn't any easier the second time. If anything, it was harder since I now had to keep up with the seemingly boundless storm of energy that was Natsu.

"Come on Lucy! We gotta hurry!" Natsu bounced on the platform after the last flight of steps as he waited for me to catch up.

I groaned out as my feet crept upwards a final time, my knees all but buckling as I reached my goal.

"Ughhhhh...." I put my hands on my legs as I caught my breath.

"Wow." Natsu hummed. "You're really out of shape." He crossed his arms over his chest as he chuckled mischievously, and it was all I could do to keep from slapping him.

"Hey!" I scolded.

"What? It's the truth if you get taken out by some stairs." He pursed his lips while putting his hands over his head, his non-chalant voice echoing up and down the stairwell.

I balled my fists, new energy abounding amidst my fury. "It is not! You're just not normal!"

Natsu stared at me confused, further enumerating my point that someone of his skill could never relate to the limitations of us normal folk. I sighed as I calmed my temper.

"Whatever, let's go." I pulled open the stairwell door, the metal creaking lightly on its hinges.

The hallway felt emptier than it had when I had been led by Zeref. It was colder somehow, despite the fact that the temperature outside was setting a record high for the week.

A shiver ran down my spine as our shoes clicked on the tile floor.

"You okay?" Natsu's eyes glanced my direction as we continued to keep pace.

"Yea... I'm okay." I rubbed my arms to ward away the feeling.

Reaching the end of the hallway and glancing at the office door, it loomed larger than I remembered. It was a barrier. An obstacle. A trial of my determination to see where this journey took me.

Would we find answers? Maybe Jellal would find some of his memories. Or maybe...I would finally fulfill my promise.

As I remembered it, small orbs of light as he faded from me with desperate final words, there was a pain that echoed out with my heartbeat.

With hesitation, I reached out my hand to touch the cold metal of the handle. I jiggled it loosely, common sense already fully aware the barrier wouldn't budge.

The knob refused to turn.

My hand felt glued to the handle as anxiety built within my chest. This door was so big. So overbearing.

I bit my lip.

Something like this... there's no way...

With a slight gasp, a jolt passed through my body as I felt something warm caress my frozen hand.

Natsu's touch curled around me. I turned to look at him as he offered me a big smile. In his other hand he held a small silver key, sunlight glittering lightly off the metal as he presented it.

My hand fell away from the door as Natsu managed the lock. Within seconds the door swung open.

Natsu chuckled cockily. "What can I say. I happen to have a few tricks up my sleeve."

I laughed. "I'm not sure I'd call stealing a trick, but either way..." I looked into the office. The door didn't seem so big anymore. It wasn't a barricade or an impenetrable wall. It was just what it had always been... a door. "You're pretty amazing Natsu!"

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