Chapter 23: What Would It Take To Fly?

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I felt my body jitter as we walked through the woods. My anxiety built with each step as we pushed past tree limbs and waded over roots. Even the thought of coming upon the steep ledge turned my stomach.

I lead the underground crew, with newest members Levy and Gajeel, on the same route that Mavis had taken me before. I kept my eyes trained for any tall pillars or signs that the gate was nearby. But part of me knew I wouldn't find it anywhere except for the cliff, despite how much I yearned for it.

I hesitated as we reached the end of the tree line.

"What are we stopping for?" Gajeel's gruff voice rose above the chirping of the forest birds, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Gajeel!" Levy scolded him, her brow furrowing as she stared at him frustratedly.

"What?" He shrugged. "We all want to know if it's there, right? What's the issue?"

I chuckled nervously as I looked at everyone in the group, their faces filled with patience and faith.

I straightened my back and steeled my nerves.


I wasn't sure what I was acknowledging, or even that I was acknowledging anything other than my own determination, but with new-found confidence I pulled back the last of the brush and stepped forward and closer to the cliff.

With the clearing spread out before us, I felt my stomach drop and my head roar. The ramp made of strong rock remained just as it had before, with nothing but a steep drop and the horizon beyond it.

Erza walked ahead of the group, her eyes wandering the edge for any subtle signs, her investigative senses peering into the unknown.

"Do you see anything, Lucy?" Erza turned back towards me, her scarlet hair flapping as the wind howled.

I bit my lip.

"...No." The word came out weak.

"Well, that was a waste of time." Gajeel's thoughtless words stung, because I knew how true they were. I had wasted time. Everyone's time.

I lifted up the key, staring at its jagged edges as it glinted in the sunlight.

But it was here. I knew it was here.

A shadow cast over me, stifling the sunlight's small reflections in the metal. I peered up to see Jellal standing over me, strands of his blue hair falling to cover part of his tattoo.

"Have faith, Lucy. This doesn't mean you were wrong, perhaps just missing something."

I clenched my lips as I tried to offer a small reassuring smile.

There was a rustling as I heard the group start to make their way back to the tree line and away from the cliff.

I felt a pressure on my right hand as Levy grasped it in her palms. As the sun began to set, her yellow headband appeared to be a light orange.

"We are going to find it, okay? Just give me time to figure out the rest of the journal." She smiled as she squeezed my hand.

I nodded. "Thank you, Levy. I don't know what I would do without you."

After a slight pause, I felt the last brush of her fingertips as she left with the others.

My heart hammered as I once again found myself alone and staring at the deathly drop before me. The sky was a fiery orange now, with the dark hues of night quickly etching their way across the expanse.

"Hmmmmmmm...." The loud hum came from my left. Natsu was squatting staring at the edge of the trees and turning over rocks in deep concentration.

"What are you doing, Natsu?" My tone was quizzical as I tried to hide my subtle hints of sorrow.

His head turned back swiftly. "What do you mean? I'm looking for the gate."

My head cocked slightly as I processed.

"But why are you looking for it on the ground? It's nine feet tall remember?" I walked nearer to him, the dirt crunching under the weight of each step.

"Yea I know..." He plopped down onto the ground as he thought. "But it's gotta be here somewhere."

His eyes caught mine and I felt my throat tighten.

"How can you be so sure?" I looked away from his gaze and towards my feet, my fingers fiddling with the key I still held in my hands.

"Because you said it was." My head shot back towards him, and I felt my heart skip a beat. His tone was unwavering, his expression lacking any hesitation. His faith was absolute.

"...Natsu..." I murmured his name as I felt my confidence grow.

I turned towards the cliff, gripping the key in my hands and staring at it once more, the hue of the metal changing with the fading light.


My skin tingled, as Mavis's words floated through my head once more.

'Let yourself jump into improbabilities. Trust that someone will be there to catch you.'

With determination, I turned to Natu. My hand clenching around the key, and my brow furrowed. I would trust. I would believe. I would stop questioning what I knew to be true, and I would stop trying to know all the answers before taking a step forward, because sometimes you don't have all the answers. All you have is faith. In others... and yourself.

"I know what I have to do." My statement was sure, and proud.

Natsu slowly rose from the ground, brushing the dirt off his pants.

"What's that?" He asked as he straightened his hoodie.

"I have to take a leap of faith." I looked towards the cliff, and I felt Natsu's gaze trail mine.

" aren't gonna jump are you?" His words started with confusion and ended with concern.

I smiled brightly at him more sure than I had ever been in my entire life. "You trust me, right?"

He guffawed. "Of course! But that doesn't mean I want you to leap off ledges just because!"

I laughed. "It's not just because." I leaned into his warmth. "It's because of you. I'm finally going to stop doubting myself." I wrapped my arms around him as I felt his body tense up. "Thank you, Natsu."

He didn't say a word as he froze. But I held him tightly. Just for the moment. Just for the strength he gave me.

And then I let go.

Before he could stop me. Before he could convince me that I was being reckless, or stupid, which I already knew this was well within that territory.

I let go, clutching the key, and I ran, up the ramp and towards the horizon as fast as my legs could take me.

"LUCYYYYYY!" I heard his roar as I leapt off the ledge. Louder than anything I had ever heard. Louder than my heartbeat, and the rushing of the wind in my ears. The roar of a dragon.

'I'll be right back, Natsu. I promise.' I didn't bother screaming it because I knew he wouldn't hear me over his call.

I closed my eyes as a warmth enveloped me as I fell.


As I flew.

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