Chapter 10: Visiting Hour

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Sunlight peaked through the window, landing softly on my quietly shut eyes. I took a deep breath, stretching slightly as my eyes drifted open.

He wasn't a graceful sleeper by any sense of the word. As we sat on the couch, I saw as Natsu's legs were sprawled broadly across my coffee table, his mouth hung wide open with a little dabble of drool coming down his cheek.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Quietly, I picked up my phone from the stand nearby and clicked it open.

I winced as I saw the bright green messages on display.

5 missed calls from Levy.

10 new text messages.

"Are you ok? CALL ME ASAP!"

Being careful not to stir the couch too much, I stood up and made my way to the kitchen.

The phone connected almost immediately when I dialed.

"Lulu! Are you okay? Everyone was talking about it, what happened?"

My heart dropped in guilt. I didn't mean to make her worry.

"I'm sorry Levy, I should've texted you. I'm okay, it's just a concussion!"

She gasped. "JUST a concussion?!"

I tried to calm her down while still maintaining a whisper, hoping to not to wake up Natsu.

"No, it's fine! Natsu's been watching me. I'll just have to keep tabs on it for-"

"Natsu?" There was a pause as she processed. "He's at your house?!"

Oh, crap. I made it worse.

"He didn't try anything did he? Everything's okay? You know you could've called me, right?"

My shoulders slumped awkwardly as I was bombarded with her questions.

"I know, I'm sorry. It all just happened so fast, I promise I'm okay though! I'm just going to take it easy today, doctor's orders."

She sighed over the line. "Okay. If you say so. But don't hesitate to call if you need anything okay?"

I smiled even though I knew she couldn't see it. "I will!"

I clicked the phone to black, letting out a deep sigh as we said our farewells.

Staring out into the living room, I still saw the slight rise and fall of Natsu's chest underneath his red sweatshirt. Happy was curled up next to him.

Maybe I'll make them breakfast. I'm sure they both will wake up starving as usual. I went to the fridge, my hand resting on the silver handle when I paused. As usual? He hadn't stayed at my house before...had he?

A thumping noise reverberated into the living room as a knock came from the front door. My head shot to the direction of the sound, upon which I instinctually looked back at Natsu. There was an oink like noise as he snored and shifted. But he was still dead to the world.

So much for being a light sleeper.

With a slight creak, I pulled the apartment door open being greeted by bright blue pigtails and adorable brown eyes. She looked nervous as she fiddled with a small basket in front of her.

"Oh, hey Wendy!" I couldn't help but note her anxious fidgeting. It wasn't unusual for her, but I still felt the need to ask. "Is everything okay?"

She looked up at me, concern marking her young features. "Miss Lucy! No, please don't worry about me, it's you I'm concerned about!" Her feet kicked slightly, her skirt adjusting to the movements. "Porlyusica told me what happened so I thought I would bring you something to help you feel better!"

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