3 Cassie

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I will never understand how I was so desperate to feel loved that I actually convinced myself I loved this trash.

I let out a sarcastic laugh as I reached down, grabbing the knife and twisting it. I marvel at the velvet liquid covering my hands.

"Hey can you turn that stereo up? Then clean your brother up in the bathroom! I'm a big girl." I say to Kat, my eyes not wavering from a screaming Julian.

The pain in my face is starting to set in and the music mixed with his screams is giving me a migraine.

When jules showed up he was belligerent drunk. The moment Kat opened the door he shoved her, throwing me into Reina cuchillas mode.

All I wanted was a quiet girls night since Kaden ruined my tour of the club. I was not prepared for any of this shit. Is this considered high school drama?

At first I had Julian handled but Kat kept interfering in an attempt to help but she just kept getting in the way. When I finally got her to back off he got the upper hand.

There's a knock at my door and I prepare myself for whatever complaint I'm about to get. I just hope it isn't the police.

I peek through the hole to see a short stocky guy from the club. Confused, I open the door but he shoves me back, slamming it shut.

I look at him then the door raising a brow. "Who are you? Where is Arlo?" I watch as he walks over to a sobbing Julian bringing his fist back before slamming it against his face.

My body slumps when he finally passes out. I beg the guy to shut the music off.

"I'm sorry Ms Ramirez, your brother is on his way I was just closer. I heard his screams from the first floor, it's a good thing I came." He scoffs as Kaden walks back out.

Turning to me he reaches his hand out and I take it. They're soft with a few callouses. "I'm Jose, princesa. We met at the club." He says as I hold back the eye roll. I fucking hate being called princess.

Kat walks out of the bathroom making her way over to me, sat down then wraps her arms around me pulling me tight. Jose leans down in front of me, his gorgeous honey brown eyes scanning my face.

"Why don't you put some clothes on!" Kaden calls from behind him. Jose has both sides of his nose pierced with pillow pink lips. He has curly brown hair on the top of his head but shaved on the sides with a caramel complexion.

I'm broken from my ogling when he lifts his black sweater over his head then places it over me. I hold in the moan at the smell of vanilla cinnamon and pine engulfing me.

A knock at the door has both boys jumping twenty feet back as it begins to open. Arlo walks in thankfully alone with his face stone as he makes his way to me.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED." He bellows, scaring Kat as I feel her grip on me tighten.

"He was already here on top of Cass when I arrived." Kaden is the first to speak. "I grabbed him and roughed him up a bit but your sister—."he just looks at the pathetic bastard. I could see the shiver going down Kadens body and smirk.

"Cassie?" He say lowering to my level. He brings his large tattooed hand to my chin forcing me to look at him. I hold back the tears of embarrassment. I'm still mad I let him get as far as he did.

"It was my fault, if I didn't try to help she would've had it handled." "Kat!" I scold when my brother's eyes snap over to her.

She has a now deep purple bruise on her cheek from when Julian backhanded her. Arlos hand on my chin twitches as a fire burns in his green eyes.

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