21 Cassie

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I groan in pain as I will this damn migraine to hell. Then again I have refused every meal placed at my door, barely drank enough water and barely slept.

My father was all too happy to gloat that Kaden decided to stay with Genie but what the hell did I expect. A man never really leaves his wife for his slut.

At first all I'd do is go to the yard for training my target practice with my knives, shooting, or sparring with the new recruits. Anything that would keep my mind busy to keep from thinking of that lying asshole. I don't even know how long it's been.

It got so bad my brother banned me from going near the newbies saying I nearly cost him a dozen recruits. Recruits we need now that I'm on Dexter Roosevelt radar.

So I've been lying in my room hiding the tears because now; I don't have anything to keep me busy.

My room is the size of the living room in my apartment. The walls are pink, the bed is a king canopy with pink and white blankets like I'm some child.

I've heard arguments from downstairs get so out of hand I'm surprised mom hasn't sent dad away yet. She's the one who stopped dad from forcing me on those dates.

If this is what love feels like I never want to feel it again. Forget marriage I want to be alone for the rest of my life. Besides, why get tied down to one when you can screw many?

A knock on my door has me grabbing at my skull. "I may not be able to force you out of the house but I am giving you ten minutes to get downstairs or I'm ripping the door off its frame. I'll take away every inch of privacy you have then have all your prospects come see you just like this." When I don't respond he adds "and I'll never let you work even the smallest of missions." My father seethes from the other side of the door.

I then hear him mumble an 'Are you happy?" Then a "Did you have to make so many threats?" Before I hear two sets of feet steps retreating.
Not wanting to push him any further I slowly slid out of bed ignoring the aches and pains in my bones. I walk to my en-suite heading straight for the sink.

When I look in the mirror I wince at the hideous creature staring back at me.

My beautiful hair is a knotted mess in the back of my head, my eyes are bright red with a nose to match. At least his mark is almost gone.
I sniff the underarm part of Kadens shirt and again wince. I haven't showered in a week and reek of death.

Looking over I see a spa bath and next to it a glass covered stand up shower with several heads.
Deciding on a quick shower I toss Kadens shirt in the trash bin next to the toilet then step in. The gray walls are more my style.

I set the water to the hottest setting then make quick work of cleaning my body. I wash and condition my hair then get out.

Once I'm dressed in a sports bras and spanks I prepare to head to the gym. I know the show off has one in this mansion somewhere!
I exit the room glad I don't hear my dad, but there's a man at each end of the hall. They both smile and give me a court nod before going stiff.
Going down the steps I decide against eating just wanting to punch something when I crash into a wall.

I let out a gasp when large hands cradled my body preventing me from meeting the stone tile of the floor.

He pulls me up, setting me back on my feet. When I finally look at him I notice he's shirtless and his midsection is wrapped.

No you don't care. He betrayed you Cassie. I scolded myself. "Why are you here?" I say trying to train my voice.

Tears prick the back of my eyes begging to fall but I won't give him the satisfaction.
"I've been here. Your dickhead father just wouldn't allow me upstairs to see you. I pleaded my case to your mom and she convinced him to at least bring you out to me." His voice is soft, his hands twitching at his side.

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