13 Kaden

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"Kaden, Kaden." I hear as I peel my eyes open. "I spoke to your father, we're at his practice. We got Cassie inside already but I need you up. You're too heavy." He grabs my arm trying to lift me out of the seat when my Fathers large frame peeks from behind him.

I allow Jose to pull me out when I notice the anger and disapproval radiating off of Jonathan Jones' face. "I can't believe you brought that innocent girl into your mess. How can you get your brother's friend mixed up in this?" He begins to go off. "Not to mention I'm going to have to call this-"

"DAD NO!" I shout as he helps Jose get me into a wheelchair. "This wasn't me, her brother is my boss. You can't call the cops." I hissed out in pain. I'm in pain and this is what he cares about? He pauses in his step while Jose continues up the ramp into my dad's small emergency facility.

He begins to demand answers so as we walk to a room I give him the short version of how I got mixed up with Arlo.

He immediately threatened to call the cops and warned me against Cassie. Something in me snapped at the thought of being kept from her.

I wouldn't allow him to look at her that way. I decided to tell him why this happened, how Cassie isn't just a thug. I told him what Arlo told me about the sex rings. Dads face softened and his attitude about her changed.

When he gets me into a private room he begins to get me hooked up to an IV just as melody walks in. "Kaden, this is too dangerous for her. You both need to get out before y'all end up dead." My dad argues.

I can't hold back the scoff that escaped as I glare at him. "If you gave the slightest fuck about me you wouldn't have abandoned us. Besides she won't quit, her need to save these girls is far more important than her own life."

"Kaden, you know it's more complicated than just that. I tried to fight for you. I tried to find you but your mom kept moving. I know I missed a lot but I'm here now and I want to help you and Kat. Which is why if Cass doesn't want to get out of this business then you and your siblings need to stay away—"

"You just came back into my life, you don't get to tell me what to do. Besides, I'm the reason we're in this mess. I gave her up to David, you know the man moms have been shacked up with. I did it because I have to protect mom and Kat since you didn't. I need arlos protection and because of me a very dangerous man is dead and his brother will go after Cass for it. I can't just keep away. Believe me I tried." I mumble the last part. He cuts my shirt off examining my shoulder as my stepmother tears my jeans looking at my leg.

I can see the internal battle my fathers having as his jaw clenched and unclenched.

"I need to pull the two out on his shoulder." My father calls out to Mel.

"The one on his thigh went straight through." She calls back.

"Where's Tink? Who's working on her." I ask as I begin to feel loopy. "W-what did you give me?"

"I knew I only had but so much time before you asked that question. Right now you need to let my staff work on her while I take care of you." I go fight against him but my body falls limb and everything goes black.


I groan out as the sun beams in my eye. The beeping and pain in my shoulder has me shooting up in bed.

"Easy son." My father says pushing me back down.

"Where am I? What happened?" I slur out looking around the white wall when I notice a curtain. My father follows my eyes then looks back at me.

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