One Step Foward, Two Steps Back

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Lukes POV

The life flight was landing in Nashville. I was so excited to see the kids. It was around 4 pm. They got me ready and ran me into the hospital. They then transferred me to another stretcher inside.

"Glad to have you here mr. Bryan." A doctor said as I was being pushed into an elevator.

"No offense doc but I'm not to happy to be here in the hospital." I said with a chuckle.

"Understandable. Your fiancé has your room all set up for you." One of I'm assuming nurses said.
"Are my kids here??" I asked, he shook his head no. I sighed.

We went down into a room. It wasn't an ICU room!? There Kells was sitting in a chair. She jumped up as soon as she saw me. They helped me off and onto the bed which I didn't need the help but I didn't want to be a total ass just as I got here.

"We don't have any male nursing assistants on, would you be okay if we had a female come in and get vitals while I do your work up? I'm Justin by the way I'll be your nurse until 7 tonight." He said. I looked at Kelly.

"Are you just able to get his vitals?" She asked.

"I could it just makes it go by so much quicker." He said.

"Kells it's fine. Whatever we can do to get our kids here faster okay." I said.

"They aren't coming until tomorrow, plus I don't want any shortcuts, it makes your job faster? Well what if they would've only done 6 stitches instead of 12 on him just because it was faster, he wouldn't be healing." She said to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like..." he said and she cut him off. "Can we get another nurse." She said.

"Kelly just stop he's here for 3 more hours I don't need any meds or dressing changes I'm fine. Just go get a drink take a break." I said to her.

"I had a break I flew here without you.'I'm fine. Let's just get done what you need to.." she said to him.

She leaned against the window as he did what he needed to. He was nervous the whole time, he wasn't much older than her. He finished up.

"Can I get you two anything? Luke a dinner tray will be up for you." He said.

"No thanks, and thank you." I said and he left. Kelly came over and sat down.

"Your parents want to know if you want anything special to eat?" She asked

"Hell yes, pizza from that place we usually get it from." I said she smiled. She got on her phone and was texting.

"Done. So the kids will come tomorrow morning before therapy. We should probably get them back in school this week." She then said.

"Yeah probably. The boys know right? Like what fully happened?"

"Yeah... sadly. But they needed to..." she said.

"I agree... how about we let them go back to school Monday give them some time. If Kris and Til want to that's okay."

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