Chapter 1: A normal day....

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It was just a normal day at the Agrest mansion. Nathalie woke up with Dussuu flying towards her. Dussuu: 'Good morning miss Nathalie!' Good morning Dussuu. 'Did you sleep well?' Yes, i did. She said while she walked towards the bathroom. She looked in to the mirror and sighed. My hair looks like a mess! She started to calm her hair and did it in a bun. Than she put on her clothes and walked out her room.

While she walked down stairs she saw Gabriel walking towards her. Gabriel: 'Good morning Nathalie.' Good mornig sir. She said while trying not too blush. He looked so handsome. No Nathalie snap out of it!

Some time later while she was working on the computer she saw Gabriel walking towards Emilie's painting. He said: 'Nathalie could you help me with this negative emotion?' Ofcours sir. She walked towards him and they both went down to the lair. 'Norroo, dark wings rise!' Dussuu spread my feathers! (They did there thing)

Some time passed.....

While Hawk Moth and Mayura were standing in the lair, Nathalie was lost in her thoughts. If i ever want to be with Gabriel i should first ask him out on a date. But no, that would be weird! And besides he would never see something in me. She thoughed.

While she was still in her thoughtes she started dramatically choughing. Hawk Moth: 'Nathalie!' He ran up to her to check if she was okay. While he rubbed her back Nathalie felt so many butterflies in her stomach. When she stopped coughing, she looked in to his eyes. His worried look on his face made her blush a little. She stood up. Hawk Moth: 'You sure you're alright my dear?' She looked shocked as she heard him say 'My dear'. Hawk moth saw how she looked at him and said. 'Oh, im sorry.' No no, its okay. She said, while blushing even more.

A few momments later Ladybug and Cat Noir had defeated the villain. Nathalie saw how mad and disappointed Gabriel looked. Don't worry sir, we will win some day. She said. Then they bot transformed back and went up to the office. Nathalie never liked seeing Gabriel sad, thats why she helped him so much. She just wanned to see him happy again. She knew that doing all of this wasn't good. She herself was suffering because of it. But she just wanned to help him all the way till the end.

It was already 15:38, she needed to go on with her work.

(A few hours past)

Phew, she was finally done with her work. As she walked to the kitchen, she made dinner. Then they all sat down at the dinner table to eat. Adrien: 'Father, can i hang out with some friends tomorrow after school?' Gabriel: 'Adrien, you have fencing and chineese lesson tomorrow, you don't have time to hang out with your friends.' Adrien: 'Can i atleast go to Nino's birthday party Friday evening, he is my friend and it's his birthday.' Gabriel looked at Nathalie. She nodded at him. Adrien does deserve to go to his friends birthday party, she thoughted. Gabriel: 'Fine, you can go to your friends birthday party.' Thank you so much father! Adrien said smiling.

As they finished eating, Nathalie and Gabriel walked out to the office. Suddenly, Nathalie felt really light headed and started feeling really dizzy. Gabriel: 'Nathalie, are you alright?' Yea im fi- Evrything went black.

When she opened her eyes she founf herself lying in her bed, with a worried looking Gabriel standing beside her. Gabriel: 'Nathalie, thank goodness your alright.' What happend.....She said while feeling dizzy. Gabriel: 'You fainted, but evrything is going to be okay.' She looked again into his eyes and felt like she was flying. Gabriel: 'Just go to sleep, the doctor is going to check up on you tomorow morning.' She nooded at him, while she slowly drifted of to sleep.

Gabriel went out of the room, still worried sick about her. Why am i so worried about her, and why do i have such a weird feeling when she looks at me like that. He shook the feeling away as he walked to his office to finish his work.

This was the first Chapter, i hope you liked it! This is my first time writing a gabenath story on Wattpad. But i am going to do my best to make it as beatiful as i can. See you guys at the next chapter!

And comments are always available (:


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