Chapter Fourteen: Serena picks Fennekin!/XY Opening!

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Serena gazed at the Three Starter Pokemon with delight before Professor Sycamore handed Serena her Pokedex, so the girl could take a closer look at the Pokemon before she chose her Partner!

Serena: (Gasps with Delight!)

Professor Sycamore: Before you make your decision...

Serena: Huh? 

Professor Sycamore: This is your Pokedex, here!

Serena takes it as the Professor explains how to use it! 

Serena: Wow, Professor, thanks very much... (Gasps) It's on! 

Professor Sycamore: If you point your Pokedex towards a Pokemon, it'll search for it automatically! Why not give it a try?

Serena: Okay! Hmm...

Serena then scans  Fennekin, Chespin, and Froakie!

Serena's Pokedex: Fennekin, the Fox Pokemon... Fennekin expels Hot Air that can reach nearly 4000 Degrees...

Fennekin: Fennekin!

Serena's Pokedex: It likes to snack on Twigs! 

Serena: Amazing! And you're next... 

Serena's Pokedex: Chespin, the Spiny Nut Pokemon...

Chespin: Ches, Ches, Ches!

Serena's Pokedex: Chespin can flex the soft Spikes on its head, making them so stiff and sharp that they can even pierce through Stone!

Chespin: Chespin!

Serena: I get it! And, finally...

Serena's Pokedex: Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokemon... From its chest and back, Froakie creates bubbles called Frubbles...

Froakie: Froak, Froak...

Serena's Pokedex: Which act as a cushion and soften the blow of an Opponent's attack! 

Serena smiled, knowing that would come in handy! Seeing that Serena liked her Pokedex, Professor Sycamore told her to go ahead and choose her Partner!

Serena: Wow! This'll come in handy!

Professor Sycamore: You like it?

Serena: Yes!

Professor Sycamore: Well then, go ahead and pick your Partner!

While she knew that all of them were so cute; Serena knew that she had already made up her mind, she had already known which of the Three Pokemon that she wanted before she left the house!

Serena: Uh... They're all so cute, but I've already made up my mind... You see, I knew who I wanted before I left the house...

Serena made her way over to the Fire Fox Pokemon before telling Fennekin that she picked her! 

Serena: Fennekin, I pick you! I'm Serena!

Although the little Fire Fox Pokemon is a little bit surprised, Fennekin spoke happily at becoming Serena's first Pokemon!

Fennekin: Fennek!

Man(Singing): I Wanna be the very best,                                                                                                                       Like no one ever was,                                                                                                                                                           To catch them is my real Test,                                                                                                                                           To train them is my cause!                                                                                                                                                      Pokemon!                                                                                                                                                                             (Gotta catch 'em all,)                                                                                                                                                            It's you and me...                                                                                                                                                             (Pokemon!)                                                                                                                                                                                I know it's my destiny,                                                                                                                                           (Pokemon!)                                                                                                                                                                          Yeah, you're my best friend...                                                                                                                                         In a world we must Defend!                                                                                                                                           Pokemon!                                                                                                                                                                             (Gotta catch 'em all,)                                                                                                                                                       Gotta catch 'em all,                                                                                                                                                          Gotta catch 'em all,                                                                                                                                                 Pokemon!

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