Chapter Eighty-Three: Calling a Truce?!/Acting Super Suspicious!

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After Meowth got up; he and Pikachu Both called a Truce as Meowth shook Pikachu's hand rapidly, causing Pikachu to shock him by Accident!

Meowth: Thanks, you lugs, What do you say we call a Truce, pal?

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Meowth: I knew I could count on you, buddy boy 'cause that's just the way you roll!

Pikachu: Pi... Pi... Pi... Pi... Pikachu!

Meowth: (Grunts)

Shocked by that; Meowth reveals that he was only paying him a compliment while secretly plotting to use Pikachu and the other as a shield if he sees Pangoro again!

Both: Chespin?!

Meowth: Hey, what was that for?! I was payin' you a compliment!

Pikachu: Pikachu...

Both: Chespin...

Meowth: "Well, just as long as you understand..." "If I see that lug again, I'll use these dopes as a shield!" (Chuckling) Huh?!

Meowth notices that Both Froakie and Chespie are still suspicious of him while Both Pikachu and Chespin insist that they at least give him a chance!

Froakie: Froak, Froakie!

Chespie: Pin, Pin, Ches!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Both: Chespin?/Froakie?

Chespin: Ches, Pin... Chespin!

Both: Chespin?/Froakie?

Pikachu: Pikachu...

While Meowth knew that while using Chespin was easy, he knew that it would be a different story with Both Chespie and Froakie!

Meowth: "Pikachu! I'm so glad you and Chespie Both choose to trust me!" "Chespin, a Chump Supremo... I can use that to my Advantage... Talk about a sweet deal!"

Froakie: Fro...

Chespie: Che...

Meowth: "Huh?! (Chuckling Nervously!)" "But this Froakie and little Chespie are Both a Different Story..."

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