Chapter Thirty: Flabebe wins!/Ash's turn!

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Mairin glares at Vivillon, determined to finally beat Viola!

Vivillon: Vivillon!

Mairin(Thinking): Hmm... Viola is strong... She's even stronger than she was back when me, Miette, and Sawyer used to watch her Battle Challengers all the time when all Three of us were little Kids! But this time, I'm not here to praise her, I'm here to beat her!

Alain and Ash both frowned, wondering what Pokemon Mairin would use now!

Ash: I wonder what kind of Pokemon Mairin will use now?

Alain: Hmm... Good question, Ash!

Pikachu: Pika...

Charmander: Char...

Mairin pulled out her Second Pokeball, bringing out her newly caught White Flower Flabebe!

Mairin: All right! Flabebe, it's showtime!

Flabebe appears out of its Pokeball, making Alain and the others wonder how Mairin would handle both the Disadvantages and Advantages of this Battle!

Flabebe: Flabebe!

Ash: So Mairin's using a Fairy-Type!

Pikachu: Pika!

Bonnie: And Viola's Pokemon is both a Flying Type and a Bug Type! Your thoughts, Alain?

Dedenne: Dedenne?

Alain: Well; Viola's Vivillon is Flying Type Moves are Weak against Fairy Types while Bug-Types are Strong against Fairy Types!

Clemont: Alain's right, you guys! So like Mairin said before... There's more than one way to win a Gym Battle!

Both Charmander and Pikachu cheered their friends on, as Mairin told Flabebe to use Magical Leaf!

Charmander: Char!

Pikachu: Pika-Pi!

Mairin: All right, Flabebe! Magical Leaf, let's go!

Flabebe: Flabebe!

But Vivillon Dodges it gracefully, before Viola tells her Vivillon to use Psychic!

Vivillon: Viv!

Flabebe: Flabebe!

Vivillon: Viv!

Viola: Use Psychic!

Vivillon did so, sending Flabebe flying backwards, much to Mairin's concern!

Vivillon: Viv!

Flabebe: Flab? Flabebe!

Vivillon: Viv!

Flabebe: Flabebe!

Mairin: Flabebe, no!

Seeing her little White Flower struggle, Mairin encouraged Flabebe to stay strong!

Flabebe: Flabebe...

Mairin: Be strong! Now please, get up!

Flabebe heard its Trainer's Voice before getting up as Mairin told her to use Magical Leaf again!

Flabebe: Flabebe!

Mairin: Great, Flabebe! Now use Magical Leaf again!

This time, it does hit Vivillon, much to Viola's shock as Mairin told Flabebe to use Magical Leaf again by hitting the Shattered Ice Shards!

Flabebe: Flab, Flab, Flabebe!

Vivillon: Illon!

Viola: (Gasps)

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