Chapter Five: Saving Garchomp!/A blast from the past!

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Later as the sun began to set, Garchomp was still on a huge rampage as Officer Jenny did her best to evacuate the citizens of Lumoise City!

Garchomp: Gar! Gar! Gar! Gar! Gar! Gar! Gar!

Officer Jenny: Attention citizens, there's a Garchomp currently on a wild rampage! Please evacuate the area immediately!

(Cars Honking In Traffic!)

High above near Prism Tower a News Reporter was reporting the News Live from their News Reporting Helicopter!

(Helicopter Flying)

News Reporter: At present, Garchomp is flying towards Prism Tower!

But Garchomp still was launching random Hyper Beams everywhere! One of them even almost hit the News Reporting Helicopter before it landed in one of the Platforms on the Tower!

Garchomp: Gar! Chomp! Gar! Gar! 

News Reporter: (Gasps) Garchomp is now unleashing random Hyperbeams, it just aimed once straight at our Helicopter! Garchomp seems extremely agitated!

At Serena's house, Grace was watching the news on T.V. while drinking her warm cup of Tea, before calling her Daughter over to see what was going on!

Grace: (Drinks her Tea.) Have a look at this, something unbelievable has happened! 

But Serena was still a bit angry after the Rhyhorn incident, since she had band-aids on her face before she grabbed a Bottle of Water from the Fridge and joined her Mother!

Serena: Oh, yeah? Well, something unbelievable has happened to my face, okay?!

Grace seemed shocked by that, but casually shrugged it off sipping some of her tea!

Grace: (Gasps) Uh...

Serena saw the chaos going on and was confused, thinking that it was another Movie!

Serena: Huh? (Sits down on the other couch with her Bottle of Water!) What Movie is this?

Grace explained that it was real, knowing that something awful was going on in Lumiose City!

Grace: It's real, and live from Lumiose City! Something awful's going on...

Near Prism Tower, Ash, Pikachu, and Froakie arrived to see Garchomp had landed on one of the Platforms of the Tower, with their friends Bonnie and Clemont both close behind them!

Citizens: (Gasps)

Garchomp: Gar!

Ash: Garchomp!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Bonnie: There you are, Ash!

As Garchomp groaned from the Collar, Ash knew that he had to try and get close to it!

Garchomp: (Garchomp Groaning) 

Ash: I've gotta try to get close to it...

While Clemont thought it was dangerous. Ash knew that Garchomp was the one who was in danger and needed to get that Collar off her! 

Clemont: (Gasps) But that's dangerous!

Ash: No, Garchomp's the one who's in danger! I've gotta find a way to get that Collar off!

Froakie seemed shocked, none of his former Trainers were ever this Loyal to a Pokemon in danger as Ash was!

Froakie: Froak?

Suddenly, Clemont had an idea!

Clemont: Hmm.. I know! If getting close to Garchomp is what you need to do, I think I just came up with a way!

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