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Braylee's POV

"It was so nice to meet you Charles." He gave each of them a small hug.

I think they all loved him. Charles is such a sweetheart. He did more talking than I did at this meal. I wasn't opposed to the situation but I also knew I had a desire to become closer to these girls. Something felt so right about being on this Barca team.

"I appreciate you being so amazing." I smiled big at the driver.

"So I take it I passed please the teammates test? They were lovely." His cute little dimples deepened as his smile widened. He was so proud of himself.

"Hmm I'm not sure." I teased him as we got into the car. He was quiet as he drove us back to my place. I didn't mind the silence. It allowed me to contemplate a bit about that meal. A few main topics stayed on my mind.

The first had to do with Ona and Aitana. I was so glad to have them as my new best friends here. They're so sweet and amazing. I was afraid at first because trio friendships rarely work but around them it feels so natural.

The second had to do with Alexia and Maria's questions towards Charles. They seemed invested as if they really cared about me. Back at Arsenal I didn't feel this kind of attention or appreciation when I first signed. Here everyone is so welcoming.

Three had to be the interaction between Mapi and me. How could I be so stupid to assume she has a boyfriend or liked men?! She probably thinks I'm like homophobic or something? She's so beautiful and calm. I'm glad the question barely phased her.

I didn't want to upset anyone. I feel like every moment I'm around this team right now that I'll mess up. I just want them to like me and I want to be treated right here. I couldn't take anymore pain.

"You seem happier here, my love. I'm truly happy for you. You only deserve the best and the way those girls acted I think that's what you're going to receive."

"You think so?"

"I'd almost say I know so."

"I hope so."

"You're amazing and it seems like they know that."

"And you do too. That's what matters."

"Of course I love you Bray."

"I love you too."

Charles placed a soft kiss on my cheek as we pulled into the garage. I forced a smile for once. Why didn't that feel right? The interaction felt so forced.

"I'm going to call Carlos but head inside I'll see you in a bit. Okay babe?" I gave a small nodd and did as he said.


"Bye Charles. I love you. Text me when you land okay?" I waved as he walked into the airport. He had to leave me again.

On the oneside I was sad that he was leaving, but now I could turn my focus back to the team. I could hangout with them alot again. I wanted to become closer with them and be part of the team.

Next thing I know I'm calling Ona again.

"Hey what are you up to?"

"Aitana and I are about to go grab drinks with Mapi and Alexia actually you should come!"

"Everyone would be okay with that?"

"More than okay. So I'll pick you up in awhile?" Ona asked me sweetly and I nodded.

"Sure I'll be ready umm when you say we're going drinking then what should I wear?"

"Well yeah okay so I might be lying sort of? Umm we're going clubbing so dress cute!" I laughed a little and agreed.

Fuck, what am I going to wear?

I quickly got back to my place and ran into my place. I have to find a cute outfit. I wanted to look good while being around the team. I mean not that any of them are going to care.

"Okay..." I stood in front of the mirror looking at the dress wrapped around my body.

"This looks good." Why am I talking to myself?

I heard my phone buzz and ran over to the bed. Aitana had text me that they were here.

"Hey Bray!" Aitana and Ona both flashed a smile as I opened the door.

"Is this okay?" I gestured to the dress I was wearing.

"You look hot." Aitana winked at me. She was wearing an outfit similar to mine.

"Hmm we better keep the boys and girls off of you tonight." Ona smiled as she wrapped me in a hug from behind. My cheeks turned red and I felt this weird flutter in my chest.

"Oh hush. I'm not all that."

"She says as she casually dates a Formula One driver. He's such a hottie!" Aitana exclaimed as I tried to downplay Ona's claims.

"Come on hot stuff." Aitana pulled me towards the door to leave. I was so nervous.

"Shut it." I laughed as I pushed her off of me. The drive to the club or bar was pretty quiet in conversation sense. The music was blasting thanks to Ona who was shouting along and dancing. Aitana occasionally joined her in dancing but I stayed pretty quiet and still in the back.

Ona and Aitana were so fun to be around, but its the other two who have me worried. Alexia Putellas, the two time Ballon d'Or winner. Maria Pilar Leon, the Barcelona co-captain and best centerback in the world. And I was going out to party with them tonight.

"Are you nervous?"

"What?" My eyes shot up.

"You seem nervous or something." Aitana looked back at me.

"I mean..."

"You shouldn't be nervous. You're going to have fun." Ona assured me. I felt like I could trust her to protect me or keep me company tonight while we were out.

"Braylee Parker, you are incredible on and off the field. Don't be nervous ever when we're by your side." Aitana fake scolded me.

"We're here." Aitana jumped out of the car leaving Ona to chase after her. The defender wrapped her arm around the midfielder's waist and pulled her into her body.

"Behave tonight." Ona spoke into Aitana's ear. Holy shit I've been third wheeling this whole time? How did I just notice?!

"You two are..."

"You didn't realize?" Ona held back her laughter. I'm such a fool.

"It's okay we didn't actually tell you yet or make it too obvious." Aitana told me as Ona kept her wrapped from behind.

"Hola you three." Alexia and Mapi approached from behind me. Alexia gave me a quick side hug then engulfed the other two in a much bigger hug.

"Hey." Mapi slowly took a step closer to me. A small smile on her face as she opened her arms. I took a step forward into them and placed my arms gently around her shoulders. I could stand in her arms forever. Something about this moment just felt safe.

"You look beautiful." I blushed a little and finally released from the blonde defender's hold on me.

"You are beautiful." I smiled as I stepped back.

"You two ready to go inside?" Alexia eyed the two of us and I nodded.

"Yup. Time to drink." Mapi brushed past me and linked arms with the other captain. Well now I wish Charles was here.

"Let's get you fucked up." The two captains hooked arms with me on either side. My eyes widened as the took me straight to the bar.

"(Three shots of tequila please.)" I looked at the older captain puzzled. I don't speak spanish very well.

"What did you get?"

"The perfect thing to start our night. Open up." Alexia gave me a small smirk as she poured the alcohol in my mouth. Definitely Tequila.

"That's my girl." The midfield captain smiled as she took her shot too and placed a hand of hers on my hip. Why do I feel like this right now? Why am I turned on by a simple gesture?

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