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Braylee's POV

"I get to hangout with Lucy and Keira now too? Thanks for not being so strict on me B!" Tatum was beeming with happiness unaware that I was really just getting rid of her in order to be around the two captains.

"Call me aunt Keira." Keira crossed her arms across her chest as she told the girl jokingly.

"Nope because that makes it sound like she's my child. I am not a mother!" I shook my head not liking the way that sounded. I mean sure I basically have been for a good portion of her life, but I hated that.

"Stealing my fun Parker." Keira pouted as Lucy walked out of the bathroom.

"Any last things you want to let us know about?" Lucy asked as the three of them prepared to leave...finally.

"Nope! Just make sure she's safe Bronze!"

"I promise to sacrifice my life before anything happens to that kid, you know that. I'll text you when she's asleep. Have fun tonight, hopefully whatever you have planned with the captains will lighten your mood." Lucy gave me tight hug and carried Tatum's bag out the door. As goofy as Lucy was I knew I could trust her word on that. She'd throw her body in front of anyone she knew to save their life.

Okay now to mentally prepare myself for the captains' arrival. How was I supposed to tell them that they are in fact the reason I'm this stressed out?

I like them. They like me.

It should be simple, no?


Nothing could ever just be simple for me. I always make things so much more difficult than it should be. I mean our situation has been like Heaven so far. I woke up between the two hottest girls on the team this morning. What could I possibly be upset about?!

Well other than the undeniable pressure that I felt from the two captains presence. Alexia's comment about impressing her sent me into a spiral. I couldn't keep a straight head after that. All I cared about was impressing them and yet I really don't think that I did.

"Shit." I jumped up off the couch as I heard two small knocks on my front door.

"Hey beautiful." Mapi smiled wide as the two women stepped into the apartment placing a soft kiss on either side of my face. I blushed as I shut the door behind them and turned back around. I went from nervous to warm and fuzzy so quick.

"Hola." I flashed a cheeky smile at the two.

"Wanna sit on the couch or what do you want to do?" Alexia held an arm behind my waist as she examined my face.

"Bedroom." I smiled as I jumped up placing my legs around her waist. The strong Spanish midfielder easily caught me and held me up against her torso.

"Hmm yes ma'am." Alexia smirked carrying me into the room.

"Just to talk Ms. Putellas." I warned the flirty woman to behave.

"Okay. What's on your mind? It was pretty obvious to a few of us that you were rather uneasy today. Talk to us." Alexia rubbed my arm softly as Mapi sat on the other side of me crossing my legs over her lap.

"Truthfully...it was kind of this. I'm super scared to have Tatum here while trying to be with you two. I'm just super scared about having Tatum here in general. I want her to be safe. And then you made a comment about how I impressed you in bed so you wanted the same on the field, but like you are two of the best players in the world...I don't know I just feel like there's so much pressure on me to be perfect right now that I simply cannot handle."

I felt a bit of pressure release from me as I expressed my issues.

"Tatum is so lucky to have you as her older sister. I have never seen a child so safe or have a better role model." Alexia rubbed my arm gently and whispered.

"As for you. You are so amazing Braylee Parker. You are so incredibly talented and you blew us away. You always do on and off that field. You're so amazing we even agreed to share you since we both wanted you so bad. You should not stress beautiful." Mapi leaned forward and gently kissed my lips.

"You really think so?" I leaned back against Alexia as the two girls held onto me.

"Anyone with eyes can see how perfect you are. Tatum truly is so lucky to have you and so are we B."

"Well I'm glad you think that because I am going to have to maybe have less of this time and more time with her. I can't keep pushing her away to our teammates to watch her overnight. I also want to spend some time with her...I mean she did move to Spain to be with me and attend school."

"So what I'm hearing is we have to enjoy the time right now Mapi." I could almost hear the smirk on Alexia's face right now. Her hand creeped its way up around my throat.

Mapi's eyes cut beind me as she began to smirk as well. Shit shit shit shit. I could feel the panic sprint through my body as Alexia pulled me between her legs and began pressing lips around the back and sides of my neck.

Mapi's legs swung over both of ours as I sat in Alexia's lap. Mapi's now straddling the two of us. I was always getting sandwiched somehow. Not that I could complain about the position I was in. I was more than likely the most comfortable out of the three.

"What are you two doing?" I let out a light laugh as the two Spanish women began gently placing soft kisses around my face and neck.

"Just showing you how perfect we think you are..." Mapi tugged at the end of my shirt asking for permission and I gave her a small nod as she slipped her hands underneath and pulled it over my head.

"Do you two know the term pillow princess?"

"Vaguely." Alexia chuckled knowing why I asked.

"Am I always going to be that to the two of you? I know we haven't done much yet but I'm always on the receiving end..."

"Are you against that?" Mapi asked me as she paused her movements.

"I didn't say that." I smiled as the two quickly continued moving their hands and lip across my body.

"Well one more time then we can discuss things." Mapi made her way down my stomach then, with the help of Alexia, lifted me up to pull the sweatpants off of my legs.

"No teasing Leon." I begged her in a shaky voice but that was the biggest mistake as I could here the sarcastic tone between the two captains speaking in Spanish.

"(Don't let her finish.)"

"(Way ahead of you Putellas.)"

A moment after that I threw my head back against Alexia's shoulder as Mapi's tongue slid straight into me.

Fuck, and I mean it quite literally this time.

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