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Mapi's POV

"(You're an ass.)" I shoved Alexia away from me. Alexia and I were playing games all night out at the bar. She may have won tonights round but I want Braylee.

That girl was going to be mine. She looked so fucking amazing tonight. The way that black dress hugged her body. Her eyes glazed over after all of the shots of alcohol. The way her light brown hair fell over her bare shoulders. Those stunning green eyes occasionally linking with mine before she got too shy to hold the contact any longer.

"(She loved my hands on her.)" Alexia claimed as she rolled her eyes back. Both Alexia and I tried to see what we could get away with.

"(You're about to catch these hands.)" I shook my head at my bestfriend. When we got back to my place after a car full of bickering I crashed onto my bed. I was exhausted after the long night out.

"(Sleeping in that?)" Alexia questioned as I laid still on the bed.

"(Was planning on changing. Almost too tired to now.)" I closed my eyes for a second until I heard a small laugh and my clothes gently get pulled off my body and a sweatshirt thrown at me. Alexia had walked into a different room by the time I opened my eyes.

"(I know this is the massive amount of tequila talking right now but I could really make out with you right now.)" Alexia mumbled walking back over and the two of us laughed together.

"(Don't listen to tequila.)" I shook my head but when I looked back up at those eyes I froze. The beautiful golden eyes staring down on me. Why did I always push her away every time I had a chance?

Why was it that I couldn't date her?

"(I like what it's saying.)"

"(I do too...)"

"(Are you scared to like me Mapi?)" She titled her head to the side with a small frown on her face. Our friendship was meant to stay at just that, friends.

"(What happened to both of us liking that new girl? Not each other.)" I answered quietly.

"(Braylee is straight and taken neither of us have it in us to make moves on a girl like that. Straight girls suck.)" Alexia snickered as she sat down next to me.

"(So why are we both fighting for her?)" I quirked an eyebrow at the other captain.

"(Because she's hot.)" We both giggled as she fell back into the bed.

"(You think that boyfriend of hers is loyal? I don't think its going to last...)" I turned to her and propped myself up on my elbow. Alexia's claim was bold but possible. Not to down play Braylee at all but some world famous driver boy had every opportunity.

"(It'll be okay we'll be there to comfort her.)"

"(You're so horny.)" I laughed at Alexia.

"(You could help with that.)" Alexia quirked an eyebrow as she smirked at me. I felt my face turn a little red. God I was going to fold. I haven't really had the chance to have that feeling since Ingrid.

I miss her.

"(This is as friends.)" Alexia connected our lips and gently pulled me on top of her body. My body rolled against hers as our lips moved in sync. Damn do I love a platonic make out session with my bestfriend...said no one ever.


"(Mmm shut up.)" Alexia smiled and reconnected our lips again as she pulled me further into the kiss.

"(Can we please just let tequila make the decisions tonight?)" I gave a small nodd as I gently pulled her shirt over her head.

Here goes a great mistake.


"(Damn.)" I whispered to myself as I woke up covered in the sheets.

"(We're not going to talk about it.)" Alexia shook her head as she grabbed the water and advil that was ready for her on the nightstand.

"(We were drunk.)" I rationalized our insane actions.


"(But it was good.)"

"(Extremely...)" She trailed off a little as she looked over at me nervously.

"(We've always said we can't date, but...I mean its just sex. Since we both obviously can't get the girl why not have each other...)" She looked at me waiting for my reaction.

"(I feel crazy for agreeing to this.)" I groaned laying my head back. Am I crazy for this? Its not the worst thing I could agree to this, but its no where near the best either. I needed the return of that feeling, but from Alexia?

Alexia is my bestfriend. Its been Alexia and Mapi for so long. How could I jeopardize the future of friendship?

"(You're not scared?)"

"(If things begin to escalate we'll pull out.)" My eyes widened a bit at the wording. She was definitely in and out plenty of times last night.

"(We keep this from the team though.)"

"(You believe that no one will figure it out?)"

"(We can get away with it.)" She boasted confidently. Maybe she was right?

It wasn't uncommon that Alexia and I were alone. As long as we don't get caught in the act no one will suspect a thing. Alexia was very touchy with me in the past. Her arms were constantly wrapped around me in the locker room or we celebrates together on the field. I mean some of them have made comments that the two of us should be together.

So maybe we'll try it out.

"(If you're scared Mapi you shouldn't be. I'm your bestfriend before anything. I promise to protect you.)" She pulled me in to lay on her chest and gently rubbed circles into my back.

A gentle kiss was placed on my head and a soft hand massaged the small circles around the tattoos. For a moment I had almost forgot what we had done last night. It was just Alexia and Mapi happy together.

"(I love you Mapi.)"

But what does she mean by that?

I love you too, Alexia.

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