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Braylee's POV

"What are you getting?" I looked over making sure Tatum was actually reading the menu rather just talking Alexia's ear off.

"I don't know."

"Okay then you need to have Alexia help you figure it out if you want to talk to her so much." God the mom side of me is coming out.

"What's wrong Bray? Afraid I might have a new favorite Parker?" Alexia teased me as she sent a smile my way.

"Not too worried." I took a chance to smirk at her as Tatum looked down at her menu.

"Anyways, what are you going to do with Tatum during practice today?" Fuck.

"She's umm...I guess she's going to have to sit at the facility with us." I shrugged not actually knowing the answer to that question.

"I get to watch you practice?!" Her eyes lit up as she looked at me.

"If you behave then yes." I gave a small nod.

"Coach won't be mad right?" I asked Alexia worried who quickly shook her head.

"Jonatan won't mind at all-IF you're good while you're at the fields." Alexia turned to Tatum who eagerly nodded.

"Good now let's figure out something for you to eat." Alexia leaned over and read over the menu with her.

I was so incredibly thankful for the fact that Aitana, Mapi, Ona, and Alexia were all so good with Tatum. Mapi and Tatum haven't exactly interacted much yet, but T really seems to like her already. Aitana and Ona have spent more time with her since she's arrived than I have. I wasn't even sitting by her at breakfast.

We sat at a table of six and on one side left to right went Aitana, Ona, and Tatum and then across from Aitana was Mapi, then me, then Alexia sitting across from Tatum. Once I saw Alexia was entertaining Tatum I turned to Mapi with a sly look on my face.

"So about last night..." I whispered over to the defender whose face immediately went red.

"Careful Parker."

"I was so genuinely happy and at peace..."

"Oh. I was really happy too. I'm glad we can help calm you down a bit." Mapi went to reach for my thigh but quickly pulled her hand back.

"Your sister keeps looking at us we should probably back away a bit." Mapi warned me but I didn't want to.

"We're not doing anything Leon. If we shy away every time she looks our way we'll never get away with this. It'll look too suspicious." I smiled as she gave a small nod.

"Yeah you're right, but the more I look at you the more I'm holding back a smile."

"You're not doing a great job at that...the smile on your face is pretty big right now." I poked her arm as her face reddened again.

"Braylee how old is everyone compared to you?" Tatum interrupted the moment with her curiosity.

"Well I'm twenty four, Aitana is twenty five, Ona is twenty four, Mapi is twenty eight, and Alexia is twenty nine." I turned my body away from Mapi to face her again.

"Oh that's cool. I can't wait until I'm in my twenties." She made a pouty face and I shook my head at her desire.

"Enjoy being young T."

"Yes do listen to your sister there." Aitana enforced with a tired look on her face.

"Your life is like perfect though. I mean you're on the best team in the world for both like club and country. You have a hot race car driver boyfriend. You're so pretty." I winced at the comment. It was so incredibly far from the truth. I forgot she didn't know.

"Tate...Charles and I broke up. Usa is no longer ranked number one and the move to this team was so hard and there's nothing easy about being here." I frowned at the bad situations in my life right now.

"Well atleast you're still really pretty." She ignored almost everything I said and shrugged. Well damn the relaxation of a child's mind must be nice.

"Tatum-you know what I don't even know how to respond to that." Alexia chuckled as she tried to step in.

The rest of the breakfast I sat there silently with Mapi as the other four talked away. I couldn't keep my mind off of the negatives. God I had the percect life for awhile.

"What's wrong beautiful?" Mapi nudged my leg and I shook my hair.



"Coach thank you so much for being so understanding. I promise to have this figured out soon."

"Braylee. This team is a family and we will take care of her the same way we are going to take care of you. Who knows maybe we'll shape her into a great player like her older sister." Jonatan smiled and walked back over to the other coaches. I let out the biggest sigh of relief as I walked back over to the team.

"Feeling better now?" Ona bumped my shoulder with hers.

"So much better." I wrapped her in a hug. Ona's hugs are quite honestly the best.

"Let go of my girl Batlle." Mapi hooked her arm around my waist and pulled me out of the hug. My eyes widened a bit as I felt the butterflies in my stomach.

"Are you the possessive type Leon?" I quirked an eyebrow at the defender.

"I'm just messing with Ona." Mapi threw Ona over her shoulder and ran across the field. I watched from a distance giggling at the two being so silly.

"Coach talked to you?" Alexia walked up to me quietly. The captain was in a much more serious mood during practice. Mapi kept the team happy while Alexia kept the team focused.

"Yeah, wait did you say something to him before I could or...oh of course you did." I shook my head with a smile on my face.

"Wait you're not mad right? I was just looking out for you-I'll step back if-." I quickly placed my hand underneath the captain's mouth and shut her up.

"I'm not mad. I'm grateful for you looking out for me, but don't feel the need to always do it. I can handle my own issues and if I really need it I know that I can rely on you to help me." The captain's so soft worried expression quickly turned into a smile and a confident look.

"Alright well, let's get stretched. You've already impressed us in bed let's see how easy it is to do on the field." I blushed as I jogged around the pitch with her.

How was I supposed to impress the best player and best centerback in the world?

I'm not even seen as the best forward or best player on my team. I was just Braylee Parker, the young soccer phenom. I hated the pressure that was already put on me when I was in college then playing for the national team.

And I really, really wanted to impress the two of them. I did so now I felt that super uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"What's wrong, you look nauseous." Lucy looked at me confused as we got in lines.

"I'm totally fine." I shook my head trying to cover my ass.

"Really Braylee, you look a little red." Keira joined Lucy's concern.

"I'M FINE!" I accidentally shouted gaining the attention of a few more people.

"Umm okay..." Lucy took a step back then quickly jogged away after glancing behind me. Fuck I know one of them has to be there. I slowly turned around and cracked a nervous smile at the two captains staring at me.

"You're stressed." Alexia stated in a stern tone.

"Ugh talk later?" I rubbed the back of my head looking at them nervously.

"We better." Mapi instructed me then jogged away with the other captain.

Fuck. I came to focus on my career I didn't exactly set myself up for that now, did I?

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