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Mapi's POV

"You're quiet..."

Braylee glanced over silently as we drove home from the training fields. I knew she was upset, but I like to talk through things. We had to talk through all of this.

"We should talk about it."

Again a silent quick look over before returning her eyes back to the window. Ingrid was so nice to her. She had nothing against Braylee, but at the same time it could all be mind games.

Braylee was extremely bothered by her appearance at practice today. She was quieter than usual on the field. In the breaks she didn't talk to anyone. She kept to herself with a small frown on her face. It's like she's scared or something.

I'm not going to break up with her just because Ingrid is back on the team. Ingrid and I are in the past. I really love that American girl.

"Did you know...?"

"Alexia had mentioned the possibility."

"So why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to upset you or bring her up. To me it doesn't mean anything now that she's returned."

"Well I guess that makes one of us."

"Why are you upset-?"

"I AM TERRIFIED MARIA! I'm not just upset. I'm utterly terrified. Don't you get it? I've been played so many times by so many sweet and good people. You may be any amazing girlfriend, but right now that means nothing to me. I don't want to be hurt again." I heard a small sniffle as she turned back for the window. I didn't realize that Ingrid being here scared her so bad.

I know that Ingrid's return could be slightly threatening, but it's different for her. She's sensitive to the possibility of cheating since it happened with Lia and Charles. I just thought she was uncomfortable with my ex being around.

"I'm so sorry Bray."

"Being sorry doesn't stop me from being scared. I don't want to doubt you Mapi, but I hate this situation." Braylee's voice was a low and dry. Her tone proved she didn't want to be talking to me right now.

"I'll just let you be for now."

"I'm not mad at you I'm mad at the situation. Don't confuse that please."

"I'm glad you told me that." I laid my hand down across the center console to hold hers. She hesitated at first before softly wrapping hers around mine.

"Te amo."

"I love you too." I caught a small blush on her face as we drove back to my place. Ona and Aitana took Tatum home with them. She loves to hangout with those two.

I was just glad Braylee and I could have some alone time without possible little sister annoyance.

I was glad though. I really looked at Ingrid today and I just didn't feel the same. There was something different about her now. I didn't feel it anymore. Looking at her didn't feel the same.

"Do you wanna go out tonight or stay in and watch movies?" Braylee looked over looking a little better now.

"I think I'd rather just stay in and watch movies." I gave a small shrug knowing that's what she wanted me to pick.

"Hmm sounds good to me." I sat back with a smile as I finished the drive back.

"I am so tired." Braylee's playful tone returned as she turned back to look towards me. A bigger smile grew on my face.

"Do I need to carry you upstairs? You poor thing so hard working and now sleepy." I teased her and she gave a pouty frown and nodded.

"Okay we're here." I ran around to open her door for her and scooped her out of the car.

"Thank you my love." Braylee kissed my cheek as I left our bags behind and carried her through the door.

"I will be right back." I placed her down and ran to get us water to hydrate after practice and turn down the air a bit.

"I'm getting lonelyyy!" I jumped back through the door and tackled her down onto the bed. I gently kissed all over her face. I love her so much.

"Okay okay." She threw her leg over my body and placed the side of her face against my chest.

"Take your shirt off."

"Okay." I did as she said she snuggled in further. Just like a baby Braylee loved skin to skin contact.

"Thank you love." She closed her eyes as she laid against my body. I could tell she felt much more at ease now that we were alone and closer than ever.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"So much better. I'm sorry for being so insecure about all of this Maria. I just haven't felt so in love with someone without any stress...maybe ever. Lia I was too busy trying to keep it a secret and Charles I felt so much pressure to be the perfect girl because of his international fame. You and I just felt easy...I don't ever want to lose you."

I smiled down at her as we held hands. Her thumb gently rubbing across the back of my hand as she laid there contemplating. I felt so bad that I put her in this situation. Well not me directly but my ex. I feel bad that Ingrid has upset Braylee so much by only being here one day.

"I'm not Charles or Lia."

"Thank god for that."

"I'm being serious Braylee."

"I hope so."

"Braylee Parker, I love you."

"I'm not sure love is always enough."

"Explain that?"

"I mean...Look Lia loves more than anyone I know. Lia's literally an angel-well I don't know about that, but what I'm saying is even the sweetest best people on Earth can mess up." She shifted her body to lift get head and look up at me.

"I will be better than all of them." I smiled before leaning down and kissing her. She repositioned herself to straddle my body before tangling her hands in my hair deeping the kiss further.

She disconnected to catch her breath and sat back in my lap with a big smile on her face. Her knees squeezing each side of my hips with a small smirk on her lips.

"We're such a hot couple." She pulled her shirt over her head and I traced her fingers around the tattoos that covered her torso. One of the most attractive attributes of the American girl. Braylee gently ran her index finger across the words on my neck.

'Looks Can Be Deceiving'

The mythological themed tattoos were almost as beautiful as her. I felt like her tattoos said alot about her. I think the fact that she had them said even more. On the surface Braylee Parker was such a different person. When I first met her sure she was pretty, but when I understood who she really is...I fell in love.

"Please don't doubt my love for you."

"People still hurt people the love Maria. I trust you won't be one of those." She placed one last kiss on lips before returning to lay beside me.

I have to protect her.

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