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Mapi's POV

"(Please don't take this the wrong way, but damn I can't wait to wake up in Braylee's bed.)" Alexia smirked as she looked over at me waking up.

Well damn.

"(That's a shitty thing to say.)" I rolled my eyes as I turned away from her. Part of me loved this arrangement, but maybe Alexia is being too casual about this.

"(Mapi we knew this wouldn't last forever. We just agreed to have sex no feelings attached and the sex was amazing. So what's the problem with moving onto something real?)" See this is so heartless. Alexia as a friend was so sweet.

She was so heartless when it was the next morning. I mean everyone would think that sleeping with Alexia Putellas is the best thing ever and it is. Waking up next to her is not so pleasant.

So I looked at her stunned. We had discussed this and what she said was true, but maybe I felt like there was more there. To Alexia I was just a filler. To me there was a more intimate connection between us that had opened up. I know that we're meant to be best friends, but I was thinking for a second that we could be more. I was growing feelings for her.

"(I just wish at times we could be something real...)" I frowned from the thought of being used. I couldn't believe I let myself do this.

I thought maybe after leaving...well her...that this is exactly what I needed. I needed a rebound and so did Alexia.

"(We should stop...this.)" I sat up leaving her in my bed alone.

I'm going to show Alexia what she lost...I'm going to make sure that Braylee falls for me.

"(Maria, are you mad at me?)" She rolled her eyes as if she had any reason to be annoyed.

"(Why would I be?)" I felt like being petty.

"(Mapi, come on. Don't be like that.)"


"(Then what is it?!)" She shook her head at me. The much bigger girl pinned me against the bathroom counter. Fuck.

"(You're my bestfriend. I just want these moments to not be classified as just sex.)" I softly told her not wanting to fight with her.

"(I love you Maria. It's not just sex, but I don't want to risk our friendship. And maybe I'm swallowing some feelings myself by just saying that it's just sex.)"

Alexia softly rubbed her hands up and down my arms before gently connecting our lips together. Her waist pinned mine against the bathroom sink as she pushed me back into the kiss. "(It could have never been just sex to me when you're involved.)"

"(So should we set boundaries about Braylee?)" I asked her knowing we need to get into this conversation rather avoid it. She seemed slightly confused of the switch up.

"(We'll figure it out. As long as we stay friends no matter who she ends up with.)" Alexia assured me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"(Which is going to be me.)" I teased her.

"(I'm not sure. I mean it could be either of us that she could pick. At the same time she doesn't even like either of us yet. I mean we do know that she's bi now.)" I nodded at Alexia's point.

"(Which means we do have a chance atleast.)"

"(Well I do atleast.)" Alexia smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at the arrogant behavior of the Putellas woman. Something about the way she arrogantly carried herself at times feels so attractive.

All of these thoughts we brought to an end.

Alexia and I both leaned back and looked at each other confused as we heard a knock at the door. We were not expecting anyone. And by we I mean me. Nobody knew that Alexia was at my house right now, so who was coming to visit me?

"(We can ignore it.)" The midfielder smiled wide as she leaned back in to reconnect our lips.

"(I need to check.)" I laughed as I lightly pushed her off of me.

Who could possibly be at my front door on a random Monday morning.

"(Coming!)" I jogged towards the door and smiled as I opened it.

That smile quickly dropping when the door swung wide. What was she doing here right now?

After all this time of no contact at all?

Why did she return to Barcelona?

Why was she at my house?

The five foot ten Norwegian midfielder stood silently staring down at me. All she saw was a stunned Barcelona defender staring back at her.

"What are you doing here?" Alexia snapped from behind me.

"I know it's been a minute but I'd like to explain myself."

"Ingrid...?" I finally managed to speak the only word that came to my mind.


Braylee's POV

"Hey if you need us today we're there for you, okay? Don't be a stranger." Ona gave me a soft hug as she exited her car and dropped me off at my apartment.

"I truly appreciate you two. I'll see you later or tomorrow. Love you two." I hugged Aitana as I said my final bye to them. I was so grateful for the two of them being there for me after such a tough break up.

Peace and quiet, thank god.

I contemplated opening Mapi's text from yesterday night. I knew that either her or Alexia would reach out to me. I just hope this isn't her way of trying to slide in already.

Honestly all I wanted right now was a break from relationships and maybe someone to have a little fun with. I mean was it so wrong to avoid commitment when nobody seemed to give me that anyways.

"Who is that?" I asked myself as I stood up and walked to my door. Did Ona leave something at my place, AGAIN?

I swear that girl is so forgetful. It's hilarious. She's such a goofy person. I was glad to call her my Barcelona best friend. I opened the door expecting to see Ona or Aitana...

"Lia?" My voice cracked as I slipped out the Swiss midfielder name.

"Hey B..."

A\N: Would love some engagement in the comments anything you want to see or anyone?

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