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Childe breaks the chain from my wrist, takes the key from the man's lifeless body and helps me outside. At the same time I leave, Zhongli approaches us. When he spots me, his face lights up and there's instantly tears streaming down his face. He runs at me, arms open. I want to be mad at him, but seeing him again makes me forget how he hasn't been honest with me this whole time.

I place my stubborn to the side for now and allow myself to be engulfed in my father's embrace. I return the hug, squeezing tight. Regardless of how hurt I feel, I love him so much and I'm so happy yesterday wasn't the last time I got to see him. He sniffles, not wanting to let me go.

"I love you, Nugget," he says, voice shaky. I feel his tears in my hair, and I rub his back.

"I love you too," I mumble, my own tears trailing my face.

Childe stands beside me, eyeing Zhongli with that same guilty expression he had with me. "He knows," he says softly. Zhongli's eyes dart up to my other father, who nods in response. "I told him everything."

Zhongli pulls away from me slowly, eyes glancing back down in mine. He holds my arms, shaking his head cautiously. "Xiao, I—"

"Just save it for now," I say softly, giving him a small nod. "We'll talk later." I pause for a moment. Looking into each others eyes, the hurt is evident in mine and the guilt is evident in his, and I pull away from him to walk toward the car. I can feel him watching me. I feel bad for feeling upset over this—he was just trying to protect me—but I wish he would have just trusted me enough to have been honest with me.

When I feel them walking away, I turn around to see Childe wrapping his arm around Zhongli and leading him around the warehouse. I watch them until they disappear, biting my lip. I can tell Zhongli is sad about my reaction and that kills me inside. I want to run back and hug him—I hate when he's upset. But I don't. I also want to see Aether.

I see the Bentley peaking around the corner of the warehouse where the window was and jog over. I don't even make it all the way there before Aether has already revealed himself from the back door. He gets out and is running at me the same way Zhongli had. I smile, jogging back at him. He looks so good in forest green. I feel myself blushing and forgetting everything around me as we meet each other halfway and he scoops me into his arms and spins me around.

"Oh my god!" he says. "Oh my fucking archon..." I giggle softly as I'm spun and swayed, finally being placed back on the ground to meet those beautiful golden eyes staring back at me. We don't stare long, because before I know it, Aether reels me in close and places his lips on mine. My eyes widden as my lips are mashed onto the boy's across from me, face absolutely on fire. He pulls away and goes to hug me, but I take him firmly by the shoulders, staring into his soul.

"Y-you kissed me!" I shout. "You just kissed me..."

Aether smiles, a hand brushing back a piece of hair from my face. "Yeah, so what?" he says softly. "I love you, and I missed you. And I'm happy you're safe, so I kissed you." Me and Aether have never kissed before... We held hands, and cuddled, and placed noses together, but I was always afraid to kiss him because I didn't think I should do that yet. I look behind me in a panic to make sure Childe didn't see that, but both him and Zhongli are long gone.

My face still burns. I stare at him, eyes searching frantically in his with parted lips like I want to say something. Instead, I lean in quickly to give him another peck he happily accepts, then pull away in embarrassment. I try to run away, but Aether laughs and grabs my arm, reeling me back in for another kiss. This one is longer. He closes his eyes, wrapping his arms around me. Part of me doesn't want him to stop, but another part knows that if I'm caught kissing someone Childe will murder Aether right here.

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