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I don't know how long it's been by the time my eyes flutter open to the bright lights of a hospital waiting area. My head is still pounding, but my body has gained strength.

Judging by the clock above the door, hours have past. It's already very early morning. Half-open eyes look down to find Xiao resting across my lap sound asleep. Aether lies beside him on our shared sofa with his head against Xiao's bum, and Lyney and Freminet are curled up on the other sofa. I huff a sigh of relief, but it's short lived when I remember why I'm here.

I want to get up and ask for an update, maybe even an ice pouch, or some painkillers, but I don't want to disturb Xiao's rest—he needs it. They all do. Quite frankly, I'm pissed I was out for so long. I don't like not knowing what's going on with my husband. But I guess I needed the rest too. If something happened, they would have told me, right? They would have woken me up somehow.

My thoughts are interrupted by a nurse with a clipboard making her way around the corner and into the waiting area. I perk up at her presence, half-standing and accidentally jolting Xiao in my lap, forgetting he's there. I catch him and he flails to life, surely stunned by the 'rude awakening.' This of course wakes Aether as well, who too whines to life.

"Is he okay?!" I vomit the words at her before she's had the chance to settle into the room. She gives an off-putting smile and approaches me.

"Good morning," she says. "Childe, correct?"

"Yeah," I say. "Is he okay?"

"So, your..."

"Husband," I say.

"Right," she nods and clears her throat. "So, he hasn't woken up yet, but he is alive. His vitals have stabilized, he just isn't responding just yet. They're still running some more tests. You're welcome to continue to stay here, but we're not exactly sure when he'll be able to see you guys."

I feel my face go red. "Isn't responded yet?" I say. "Well what's wrong with him? Did you figure out what's wrong? Did the knife hit something important?"

She shakes her head. "We got the knife out successfully, he just hasn't responded yet. We're still running tests. We will let you know any updates, I promise." She pauses, looking at Xiao and Aether who look back at her through heavy eyes. Her gaze then shifts to Lyney and Freminet, still asleep on the other sofa.

"In the meantime," she continues, "I just need to get a more thorough report of the incident from you." Her eyes cautiously land back in mine, and I spot a change in them. I feel my body stiffen slightly, and shift in my seat. "You said he was stabbed?"

I nod slowly. "Yeah. Not by anyone specific. He was cleaning the kitchen. Had a knife in his hand and slipped on water on the floor."

"And you?" she says. "Why are you bloody?"

I pause, a lump caught in my throat. I didn't prepare for a questioning. I've been so in-the-moment trying to make things right, I didn't have a second to get my story straight. Her eyes follow mine like she knows my darkest secrets. I'm not easily intimated by even the people with guns pointed at my head, but this woman...

I open my mouth, not sure what will come out, but by some miracle, I'm saved by the bell. The nurse's phone rings, and she immediately answers it, still staring at me as she speaks:

"Yes? ... Uh huh... Okay, perfect.... Great, I'll let them know."

She hangs up the phone and stuffs it in the pouch of her scrubs, holding her clipboard to her chest. "Looks like your husband is conscious."

I keep quiet as the scary nurse leads us down the hallway, carrying the half-asleep Freminet on my hip. I can barely contain myself as I shuffle closely behind her. She turns the corner, then opens the door to one of the rooms, and the lot of us practically push her over to dart inside, leaving us to it.

Laying on the bed is Zhongli. He's got an IV and oxygen all wired around him, but his eyes are open and he looks at us and smiles.

"Dad!!" Xiao runs to him, careful not to be too rough as he gives him a gentle yet meaningful hug.

"Hey Nugget," he says, wrapping a weak arm around his weeping son. I smile, eyes growing warm with tears of my own as I see my husband moving and looking at me again. We share the same expression as the other kids gather around to greet and hug him. I nearly drop to my knees but keep it together, gazing into those pretty golden eyes I was afraid I'd never see again. "Hey, baby."

I smile wider, tears now rolling down my cheeks. "Hey..."

The kids turn to me when they notice our glances and allow me to approach him. My legs feel wobbly as I bring myself closer to my beautiful husband. Even at his worst, he looks like an angel. I place Freminet on the bed beside his legs, then lean down as he smiles up at me with desperation in his eyes. I place a hand on his cheek, then lean in to kiss his forehead first, eyes closed, lips pressed softly against the now warm flesh.

I sniffle, shoulders starting to bounce as I can no longer pretend to be tough. I wrap my arms around him and softly soak his neck in my tears. "Fuck... baby..." I tremble. "Don't scare me like that... Don't ever scare me like that again..."

"I'm sorry," he whispers, rubbing my back gently.

I pull back to study his eyes. "No," I say. "I'm sorry. I love you. I love you so much, Zhongli. You're not allowed to leave me here alone. You're not allowed to die before me."

Zhongli places a hand against my cheek, thumb wiping at my tears. "I'm still here, baby," he says. "I love you." I lean in and press my lips against his, and he returns the favor. Fuck, I've missed these lips terribly already. I savor every taste of them like it's my last. His fingers play in my hair, our tongues doing that familiar, sensual dance. I've gotten lost in the moment, because a distant gagging sound brings me back to reality, and I pull away slowly. My head turns toward Xiao—whose brows are furrowed and mouth twisted—and I smirk.

"Don't act like I don't know you and Aether kiss too," I say.

"What?!" Xiao says.

Zhongli laughs, then grabs my face and pulls me back for more. I gladly comply, leaving multiple kisses all over him. But when I pull away to look at my husband this time, he's frowning, a tear trailing down to his chin.

I frown back. "What's wrong?"

He pauses, eyes narrowing to my chest. "I couldn't stop them..." he says. "The one chance I had to save my kids, I couldn't... I hid Freminet under the bed because if we both hid there, it would be too obvious. But I couldn't fight back. I tried to move, but it was so quick. They pinned me down. I struggled against them. After they stabbed me, I couldn't speak, or move... I was afraid they'd get the kids too because I couldn't fight back in time..."

My chest stings hearing the shiver in his voice. I shake my head, grabbing his hands tightly. "Babe, look at me," I say. "You did amazing. You did save the kids. Your bravery to sacrifice yourself for Freminet takes so much strength and love. You're a hero, whether you believe it or not. It's not your fault they attacked you. You tried your best and I think you're an amazing father. I got us in this situation because I fucked up way worse. The kids saved both our lives this time. We have a family full of heroes."


The two of us turn to Xiao, but whatever joy was pulsing through my veins instantly leaves my body and is replaced with something hard and cold. My eyes slowly scan the length of a tall male standing at the doorway with his arms folded over his chest, and my kids gathered together on the opposite side of the room. Standing next to him is that scary nurse and her clipboard, now giving me that look your mum gives you at the grocery store when you've misbehaved.

"Good morning, Childe," the man says. "My name is Officer Wriothesley. You're not currently under arrest, but I'd like to take you down to the station to ask you a couple questions."
TO BE CONTINUED (please vote 💛)

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