Chapter Twenty

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The Semi-final is right in front of me. I need to stay focused, I've been practicing and studying every pattern and method for 2 years for this year's competition. I want to win, that's my goal. Yet, my mind kept distracting me.

Why? Why he kissed me? and why does he look so desperate and sad?

He also looks more paler than usual. Is he okay?

Diao, Why am worried about him? He kissed me forcefully without my consent. Why do I have to care about him?

He's always on my nerves! Always makes me irritated and annoyed.

Yet, why do I have this strange feeling?


Phuwin Tangsakyuen Vihokratana!! You need to get to hold of yourself!!

Concentrate! Focus! Remember your goal!!


I jump in surprise and look up to see P'Perth standing in front of me looking very worried.


He then sat beside me, "You okay?" he said with a soft tone

I frowned.

Why is P'Perth here?

Then, I looked around. I didn't realize that I was sitting on the bench in the garden near the dorm.



"You okay? Wanna talk?" He said softly repeating his question


I'm hesitant. I don't even know what I want to tell P'Perth. Telling him about how I was stressed over the semi-final or about Pond kissing me?

Mai, P'Perth would punch the hell out of Pond if I told him about the kiss.

"I'm fine, Phi"

P'Perth looked at me doubtfully, he frowned.

"Phu, I know when you have something on your mind. It's all over your face!" he said touching my left cheek with his index finger gently

Should I tell him?

I close my eyes, thinking hard.

Suddenly, I felt a soft touch on my head. Like a patting and carrying my head so gently.

I open my eyes and see P'Perth giving me a head pat.

"Phu, I don't want to force you to talk about it but I want you to know that you can always talk to me anytime you want," he said with his usual gentle smile

I smile at him, "Thank you, phi"

"I know you also stressed over the competition but be easy on yourself, okay?" he said still gently patting my head.

I nodded and smiled.

We talked for a while, not related to my problem. P'Perth trying to talk about another topic. He also complained about Pond who is getting very touchy and clingy with Dunk on the other day, I giggled.

P'Perth is really protective over us.

After a while, we parted away and got back to our dorms.

No one is in the dorm at this moment, I can guess that Hia is going to practice with his team and probably Gemini has a schedule with another School committee.

P'Joong probably has Basketball practice too, and maybe Fourth too with his band.

As for Pond, I don't know. He didn't even go back to the dorm since that day.

Is he avoiding me?

Without realizing it, I walk into the bedroom, the room that was originally mine and Pond's.

Diao? Why do I walk in here?

I turned my body to get out of the room, then suddenly I bumped into something and almost fell myself. But something holds my waist and prevents me from falling, pulling me up.

I look up and see the person that I am supposed to hate and don't want to meet at all.


I blinked.

We didn't say a word, we both just stayed silent. Not move an inch.

We just looking at each other's eyes, like we're in trace.

I admit, I can't look away from his eyes.

I think we stayed like this for minutes until he let go of his hands from my waist.

"Sorry...", he said and then walked past me

There's a strange feeling, this wasn't him. He usually always tries to tease me or make me angry, but just now, he's acting weird.

Somehow, I'm feeling pain in my chest. But why? Should I be happy that He no longer teasing me and I can focus on my goal?

Yet why I'm feeling hurt that he ignored me?

I bite my lower lips, I'm feeling so frustrated now.

I look at his wide back, he's rummaging over his stuff and putting some stuffs into his bag.

He then walked past me without saying anything. Not even a glance.

"Where were you?" I said trying to stop him.

I turn around, He indeed stopped but didn't turn around facing me.

". . ."

He didn't say anything.

There's a silence.

"Where has you been? You didn't go back to the dorm" I said

"I'm staying at Zee room, their dorm has 1 spare room" he answer still didn't turn his back at me.

"Isn't that against the rule?" I asks

He didn't answer me back. The silent from him killing me.

"Isn't it good for you, since you can be able to concentrate to the competitions" he said still not facing me, "aren't your goal to beat me?"

His voice suddenly sound cold.

I frowned.

Yes, the goal is to beat the shit of him but with him being like this. Suddenly being cold like this, feeling like we're a stranger.

"It's not like I'm staying at Zee's forever, I just giving you space since you didn't want to see my face" he said and then walk away.


He left me stunned.

Giving me space?!

What that suppose to mean?!

What is wrong with him?! Why He's being like this?

His cold attitude, somehow hurt more than the kiss.

Why? Why I'm feeling this?


Sawadhika!! Annyeong yeorobun!


Sorry for taking 2 months break, I'm working on my mental health and taking healing time with attending 3 FM in arow!!! hahahaha.... Finally be able to meet NEO!! My crush! I'm crying!

Anyway, hope you like this chapter.

The story will get more interesting and a lil bit more angst and up and down problem between Pond and Phuwin.

Thank you for waiting patiently for this story and I'm so happy that this story is loved by you guys my reader. This giving me motivation to keep writing.

See you in the next chapter!

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