Chapter Thirty Four

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While Dunk was confused about why Joong had his photo as his phone wallpaper and lock screen, Fourth and his band prepared for their CAMP Music Wave Finals. CHINZILLA will go against another 2 bands, MOI and of course CTRL +S.

"Well, what did P'Joong say?" Gemini asks

"The one who answered the phone is your Hia,"

Gemini frowned, "Hia Dunk? Why in the world is he with P'Joong?"

Fourth shrug, "He said that he was coincidentally there when I called, isn't that suspicious?"

Gemini is curious and suspicious about why Hia is with Joong but he brushes out the thought and focuses on his boyfriend who looks so nervous because of tomorrow's finals. Gemini keeps accompanying Fourth even though he is in the opposite school President, he doesn't care even if he gets caught by others.

Since the Final CAMP Music Wave will be held tomorrow night, all the finalists' Bands will do their last practice tonight. CHINZILLA was the last to do the practice.

"See you guys tomorrow morning for sound checks, let's hurry back to the dorm and take a rest," Fourth said and the others agreed. They're parted and back to their dorm.

"You guys done?" Gemini is outside the practice room waiting for his boyfriend to finish his final practice.

Fourth smile seeing his boyfriend outside waiting for him, he can't help but want to hug him and forget that they're still in the public space. When Fourth is nervous, He'll become clingy and needy.

Automatically, Gemini opened his arms and hugged his needy and clingy boyfriend. Gemini giggles, he can't help it. When Fourth is like this, he thinks, he's so freaking cute.

While they're hugging so tightly and giggling at each other, they don't realize that Phuwin is right behind them.

"Ehem...don't mind me, I'm just standing here looking for my twins," Phuwin said startling them

Gemini and Fourth immediately let go of their hug and were surprised by Phuwin's sudden appearance.

"Phu! Uh...we're know..." Gemini is trying to make an excuse while Fourth is also thinking of one.

Phuwin sighed, "No need for the excuse my dear twins, I know you two are a thing or I was having thoughts that you two were dating,"

"Huh?!" Gemini and Fourth shouting at the same times

"I'm your twins, I know what you feel besides you being obvious whenever you spot Fourth and how extremely happy when you got to be his roommate," Phuwin said

"Did I make it so obvious?" Gemini asks

Phuwin raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms, giving his twins the look of 'I know everything', "and I coincidentally came across your open room when I saw you two sleeping while cuddling each other on the bed, My twins, if you want to keep it secret, you should close your room before going to bed," Phuwin said

Gemini was surprised that Phuwin saw him cuddling Fourth while they were sleeping, and Fourth hid his face behind Gemini's back, feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry, bro, it's not that I purposely hide it from you, it's just you know, with the rivalry between our school, especially between you and Hia with Phi Pond and Phi Joong, it's hard to bring it out to conversation," Gemini said

Phuwin sighed, "I understand but I'm sad that you didn't tell me, Gem," said Phuwin being dramatically sad

"So you're not against our relationship?" Fourth asks

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