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As i got ready for school i only had one thing on my mind, What had happened that night, the night everything had changed..Tears started to form in my eyes thinking about what he had said to me, But then i realised that it was too late, There was nothing i could do about it and that i really shouldn't care about him anymore.

The doorbell rings
I walk towards the door, I was anxious to see who was outside...
To my relief it was Lola.

"Oh hey Lola! whatcha doing here so early?"i say with confusion. "lola laughs, uhh im walking to school with you remember?

"Oh im sorry I forgot..
There was too much on my mind that i couldn't think straight, It felt like i was trapped in my thoughts and there was no escaping them no matter what i did.
I just had to keep acting tough no matter what.

hey ill be ready in a minute alright?" *lola nods her head and i go and quickly put my shoes on and grab my books and head on back outside to Lola* "ready to go now?" "yeah lets get going".

I was quieter than usual, No one had ever seen me this quiet. I was acting tough still like i usually was but that wouldn't stop Lola from noticing that something was bothering me.

"hey..Don't worry about him okay? It's his fault for everything, You're better off without him now"

^I shrug^ "I guess i am, I dont want to think about it anymore, I wish it never happened".

"You'll be okay, I know you will".

As me and Lola are walking to school together, I finally take my mind of things and I'm able to think straight again. But how long was that going to last for?...


"Finally here".
"Yeah that took long enough...*I notice Lola giving someone a dirty look but i couldn't see who she was aiming it at*

"Oooo who do we hate now?"
"That guy over there leaning against the wall, whats his name again? oh yeah Dallas, Dallas Winston. Gosh i hate him with a passion".
"Why? what did he do to you?"
" He didnt do anything to me but I've heard hes been in and out of jail many times for several things, and besides that, hes a Greaser anyway".

"Oh well dont let him bother you Lola, he aint harming you so let it go".
"huh? are you defending him Aria?"
"No im not..but he didnt do anything to you so i just don't see the point in hating him".

"Oh my god you are defending him, hes a Greaser for gods sake Aria!"
"Im not defending him Lola, seriously.
Anyways maybe your right about him.. he does look a bit tough".

Why did i just say that? i thought to myself, i knew Lola wasnt right. Why was i trying to convince myself then?

"Thank god you agree with me, you got me worried there for a moment, i thought you were actually defending him".
Lola wasn't making matters any better at the moment, questioning every word that came out of my mouth. What the hell was her problem?..


"Anyways, meet me at our regular spot at lunch okay? ill see you then!!"

Now Lola was back to normal like that conversation had never happened about Dallas Winston. Lola was really getting on my nerves now. Why couldn't she just shut her trap for once?

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