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*Iofi Pov*

After giving it some thought, I decided I should call Zeta and then go in to see Risu. I pulled out my phone and called her.

"Hello, what do you need, Senpai?" Zeta asked as she picked up almost immediately.

"Can you come to Anya's and help me see Risu?" I asked

"Uhh-sure?" Zeta said she seemed confused at the moment, but she said she'd be here in a few minutes.

"Bye bye," I said before hanging up.

Moona looked at me. "Okay, so what is going to happen? Are we just going to wait for Zeta while you go inside and tell Risu to begin faking her injury?" She asked

"What gives you the right to talk like this?" Anya asked, and she seemed annoyed at the moment.

"Because she is a faker," Moona stated.

"Ugh-Iofi-senpai, you can go in. I'll tell Zeta to go in and meet you. I need to talk to Moona-senpai privately." Anya claimed

"Oh, alright," I said.

I entered the home and ascended to the top floor. I saw a cute woman stepping out of a room. "Are you Iofi-senpai?" The girl asked

"Yes, I am," I nervously said.

"I'm Pavolia Reine; nice to meet you," she said, extending her hand, but I was skeptical.

"Is this also a handshake?" I asked

"Yes, I forgot you were an alien. I've heard that from Anya," Reine stated.

I took her hand and completed the handshake. "Can I go in that room?" I asked

"You can, but don't expect to be able to chat. Risu-senpai has been unconscious; actually, I was about to get some water for when she does wake up," she said.

"Okay, but before you go, can you tell me something?" I asked

"Sure," Reine said.

"Why is it that you told me not to bring Moona?" I questioned

"Ugh-you brought her here, didn't you? Well, it's kind of difficult. I don't know if you'd understand, but she is my ex."Reine explained

"Your ex?" I wondered

"Yeah, she cheated on me and then broke up with me, so I don't want to talk to her or see her," she said.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry about that, not that I know what cheated means," I said.

"It means she fell for another woman while she was with me and did stuff with that one" she explained

"Oh so unfaithful? Again I apologize!" I said even though I don't think that sounds like something Moona would do

"Yeah, well, it's fine as long as I don't have to see her anytime soon." She stated. She got out of my way and let me into the room. "I'll be back in a moment!" Reine said

"Got it!" I called out. I stepped into the room and saw Risu lying on the bed. They seemed to have her right leg and head wrapped as well as elevated. "She actually is hurt." I said softly. I approached the bed and noticed the bag she had before we parted at the store. I was about to look at it, but then I noticed the bandages on her head began to turn red. "Reine!" I yelled.

The woman returned a moment later, and her eyes widened. She ran over, pulled a first aid kit out, and began to unwrap her head bandages.

"Can you disinfect the cut while I unravel the bandages?" She asked

I did as told and began to wipe disinfectant on the wound, and as soon as I finished, Reine began to wrap her up.

"Moona thought she was faking," I said.

"Moona-senpai always thinks that. It is in her nature to never believe people because she doesn't trust anyone and has never been able to do so." Reine claimed

"I'm here, Iofi-senpai!" Zeta said as she entered the room.

"What is in the bag?" I asked

"You see, I have a senpai that is coming here to visit me, and I really like her, so I want to accommodate her," Zeta explained.

"So things for that?" I questioned

"Correct," Zeta stated.

All of a sudden, Risu shot up in a cold sweat, "Where am I-I need to get back to Moona and Iofi!" She shouted

"Risu!" I said loudly, getting her attention.

She began to look around, confused all of a sudden. "Is this Anya's place?" She asked

"Yes, it is," Reine said.

Zeta looked at Risu's leg and bit her lip. "Sorry, but I don't think you can walk," she said to her.

"So how will we get home?" I asked

"I'll carry Risu's piggyback and carry that bag too," she said.

"Risu, can I look inside the bag?" I asked

"Not yet. Wait until we get home, okay?" Risu said to me

"That is fine," I said.

Reine helped Risu get on Zeta's back, and she carried her out of the room. I went to follow, but Reine stopped me.

"Before you go, I want to tell you not to let Moona know I told you about this," she said.

"Another secret to keep from her, I understand," I said.

After that, I stepped outside and said, "Let's go home." I said softly.

"Yeah, let's get the faker home." Moona said

"She isn't faking believing me; she is really hurt, Moona-senpai," Zeta said.

After that, Moona fell silent for the rest of the trip. We got home, and Zeta put Risu directly to bed and then walked out, handing me the bag. She said I could look in. "I'm going to bed early." Moona said she almost sounded sad and just bummed out. She walked into her room and locked the door behind her.

"Okay, I guess I'll be seeing you later..." Zeta paused and looked at the basement. "Iofi-senpai, I'll stay for a bit longer." She said

I went into my room and saw Moona put all the bags there. I began to set everything up with the help of Zeta, and then I finally could look in Risu's bag.

"That was kind of heavy. I wonder what it is," Zeta said.

I pulled what was in the bag out and was shocked. It was the drawing tablet I looked at in the store. She bought it for me even though I didn't even tell her I wanted it. Did she see my look and know I wanted it?

"Oh, nice. A drawing tablet must have been expensive," Zeta told me.

"It was..." I said quietly.

Zeta began to stretch. "Risu must really like you anyway. I'm going to chill in the basement for a little bit. You can come if you want," Zeta said.

Maybe I should go or should I go talk to Risu about this and thank her?
What should Iofi Do?

-[A] Go To The Basement With Zeta To See Ollie

-[B] Talk To Risu

Vote for what Iofi should do next in the comments!

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