𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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Eleanor's pov

We are 5 hours later and my dad and I are busy making pizza's for tonight meanwhile my mother is closing soon the shop and I'm really excited how my father will react when he knows Max, Ria, Niran and Aarav are coming cause he is big fan of the team.

Max dm'ed me some hours ago after the meeting that Lando didn't got time to come because he had to do something with the team and some challenges and even I was a little bit dissapointed he couldn't come but of course I accept the fact he couldn't come and maybe meet him later when he has more time.

Lucky enough he told me that his other teammates of the group are here in Italy for some days so they will come now to the pizza night and my father is a big fan of the group and also from Lando so i'm very excited how he will react on the news because I didn't told him yet.

"So dad I have also a suprise for you." I say when I make the 5th pizza and I see the way he is confused why we need that much pizza for tonight.

"Euh that you will also eat 2 pizza's?" he replies with a confused face.

"Haha no, Max and almost everybody of his teammates are coming tonight!" I say hyped and I see my dad also jumping in the air.

"Girl that's amazing!!, it's so long ago you saw Max or spoke to him!, where did you met Max then?" my dad asks very enthusiastic when he hugs me big like always when he is happy or hyped.

"Well I met them this morning when I went to the shop for your newspaper and when I said about our pizza night Max invited himself of course, I mean you know how he is and when he told me his teammates are here too, he asked it was okay if they came too so of course I said yes to it." I reply back with a big smile on my face.

"Oh that's amazing you saw them there, i'm sorry it's been that long ago since we went to them honey."

"Dad don't worry about it, Max waw just incredible busy with the team and I always forget to visit them with my famous cookies, I'm already super happy and hyped they want to be here tonight and they can meet also now my grandmonther and grandfather too!"

"You know your grandmother will think that Max is your boyfriend right?" my dad says to me and I need to roll my eyes because my grandmother always love to tease me when I'm around a boy, I even remember she thought that one of my best friends from friends was my boyfriend that she even showed him some old baby photos from me.

"Yeah I know, I need to say like the fulllll story about us 2 right?" I ask to my dad when we hear my mother also comes in with a big smile on her face.

"I don't think that's a bad idea honey." my dad answers before we both handle the last pizzas for tonight and when i'm done I go to my bedroom to chance in my new clothes for tonight agter greeting my mother and right on time cause my grandparents are sitting down at the table already when I come again downstairs.

" my dad answers before we both handle the last pizzas for tonight and when i'm done I go to my bedroom to chance in my new clothes for tonight agter greeting my mother and right on time cause my grandparents are sitting down at the table already ...

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