𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

397 11 13

Ollie's pov

"So that's everything for the party?" is my question to my mother when I sit around the kitchen table with my full family.

"That's everything, i'm sure grandmother will be happy with her birthday party soon." my mother replies with a big smile and everybody looks happy around the table.

"Yeah indeed!, she will be very happy and i'm sure of it. I can't wait until next month." my dad says back also with a big smile before we put all the plans of the table and set everything ready for our diner later tonight.

Hi i'm Oliver Bearman, but you can call me Ollie and I drive as a formula 2 driver in PREMA RACING TEAM together with Frederik Vesti this season and as an age of me being just 18 is it absolute a big honor to drive already in formula 2 and for sure because it's my dream to drive one day in formula 1.

I always grew up around my father who told me about the time he did karting and he always looked up to the driver in formula 1, the biggest motorsport in the world and when I was 5 years young my dad and I went to a grand prix together in Silverstone and since that moment I knew I wanted to work in the motorsport, I even wanted to be since a formula 1 driver when I was older.

So since I was 8, I started to go karting and  everybody saw on a short time how much talent I got. It was not I was going to be the next Max Verstappen or Michael Schumacher, but I still got much talent as a young guy and after all my hard work i'm now a formula 2 driver and I hope on my way to be soon a formula 1 driver.

My teammate in formula 2 Frederik Vesti is already very lukcy and really on his way to be soon a reserve driver with Mercedes and I need to say as a big fan of Lewis Hamilton, that i'm maybe jealous he will drive in the future a lot with the f1 team of Mercedes and who even knows, will be a formula 1 driver soon and I really hope he will make it with his amazing talent.

Me on the other hand can maybe drive later in an old f1 car of Ferrari, one of the most famous teams in the history of the sport because I'm a driver of the Ferarri Academy since I won in f4 and i'm so happy i'm in the academy and they see my talent too.

I have also 1 younger brother who even joins karting now because my dad and I gave him also the inspiration and motivation to do karting and get into motorsport just like and my dad when he was younger, but I have also one younger sister who is doing another sport calls jumping and whenever I got time, I will go watch her one day because my mother always talks about it when I see her and send me some videos of the competitions she is in right now and she is also doing a great job for her age.

"So anyone have an idea what we can eat tonight?" my younger sister asks to all of us.

"What about pasta?, it's been long ago since we eat that all together." I request back with a big smile and soon everybody agrees lucky enough with me.

"Good idea son, can you maybe go together with your father to the shop close here?, he can show you already then the flower shop you can get the flowers for the party later." my mother replies when she is putting everything on the table we forget to add for diner.

"Of course, no problem for me." I say back with a smile and my father and I leave soon the house and go by feet to the shop.

"Allright we will stop in our way back to the flowers shop because we are already at the shop for the pasta before the shop is closed." my father says and i'm suprised how short the road is even we live in a very little but cute and friendly village.

"Oh I didn't thought it was this close hahaha, but I remember how we went to this little shop so I will not forget it for the next time." I reply back when we step into the shop and we see it will be closed soon because we are the only 2 persons in the shop who are looking for something.

"Here it is, what kind of pasta do you think is the best for tonight?" my dad asks to me when we look to all kind of different pastas in the shop.

"Maybe those ones?, they look very healty what is good for my healty food as a driver." I request to my dad when I point at some pasta with a lot of colors and it also says there are
whole-weat pasta.

"That's looks good enough for me and I guess everybody else will love it too so let's takes this ones." my dad replies and we take it with us before we go to the only cash register in the store that is still open.

"Hello gentlemans." the young boy after the cash register says friendly to us and we both greet him friendly back.

"Good choose to pick this pasta by the way, they are my favorites." the young boy continues before we both leave the shop.

"It’s special for my son you know?, he is a formula 2 driver so he needs to eat healty of course." my dad replies back proud and the boy looks at me now that he just starts go recognize me.

"Now I start to recognize you!, you must be Oliver Bearman, top talent in formula 2, our full family is a big fan of you." he says friendly to me and my dad.

"That's correct, thank you for the support!, it means very much for me." I reply friendly back and the guy smiles big back to me before we take fast a picture.

"Have a nice day misters."

"You too mister!" I say back before we are back outside and we feel the fresh air around our bodies and when we start walking back to our home, my dad stops in the middle of the road and when I look in front of me, I see a cute little shop.

"Well son, this is the shop for the flowers soon." he continues of our conversation and even the flowers are with a lot outside and inside the shop, I see a young blond girl in the shop talking to the owners of the shop I guess.

"So I guess you will found it by yourself son?" I hear my dad saying in the background but when he sees i'm not listening, he looks right into the directly direction where i'm looking and he starts to smirk to me.

"Ah so you like more the girl in the shop then all my words huh?" he asks and I need to roll my eyes as a reaction even he was right after all.

"Euh I was looking to the amazing roses behind her that's all, you know i'm way to busy to have a girlfriend dad." I lie back to him even i'm still looking in secret to the girl in the shop.

"Yeah yeah sure, in case you want to know, yeah she works in that shop and yeah you can go talk to her when you can get our flowers for grandmother." my dad replies with a little laugh after it.

"For the last time I was looking behind her and not directly to herself." I say back and I cross my arms before I go walking to the direction back to our way to home from the little shop where we bought our pasta because I know the direction to it.

"Of course you looked to her men, don't lie to your father. It's okay you look to girls like her." my dad laughs back when he joins me okay on our way to the shop and her face is still in my head.

"And how do you know?"

"Because the flowers behind her weren't even roses idiot."

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