𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦

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Ollie's pov

"Oh thank you all so much for the presents." my grandmother says when we have hours later the party for my grandmother.

"You're welcome grandma, so happy to see you're happy." I say back when I give her a big hug.

"And the flowers oh my god, they are so beautiful." my grandmother says back and I feel a little warm around my cheecks.

"Indeed, they are so beautiful. Where did you found them?" my grandfather asks to me.

"Oh hahaha, that's a longggg story." my mother replies when she smirks at me.

"Did you finally found a girl huh?" my grandmother says back and my cheecks turns red again.

"Please stop it, she was just nice allright?" I say quickly but everybody needs to giggle at the table when they see my face.

"Just nice huh?, why are you blushing then?" my grandmother giggles.

"Allright allright, she was beautiful okay?, but I will never have a girl like her and it's not good for my career so."

"I KNEW IT!!!, you must go for her men!" my brother says and soon everybody agrees with him at the full table.

"Oh men this is getting akward." I say back when I roll my eyes.

"How did she looked honey?, did she was nice, does she supports you?, was she flirting?" my mom asks all fast after each other.

"Slow down, I will never see her again so."

"Who says that?, we never know we send you any soon again to the shop for flowers."

"DON'T YOU DARE!" I say loud back before everybody needs to laugh once again because I turn red again.

"Oh honey, who thought he would fall in love so soon?" I hear my mother asking to my father.

"I can't believe it too honey."

"Serious dad, I thought you was on my side!" I reply back to my father when I cross my arms over each other.

"Sorry son, but she would be perfect for you I guess."

"What?, how do you know that so sure?, it's not that you met her!" I say suprised back and my both parents smirks at me.


I want to see any reaction but my parents just keep giving me a smirk and the rest of the table doesn't help me at all too about it.

"Well we both did, remember the little party with our street here when you had an important meeting with PREMA?, we met her then for the first time short but she was really sweet so we knew she also would make the perfect bouquet for my mother." 

"You asked in the shop if she was able to make it?, you guys really went into cupido era huh?" I asked suprised back.

"Well we didn't knew you would turn red after met her, we thought you would like her just as a friend." my dad says fast back.

"Next time you can go to the shop, I don't go there anymore and make myself more akward." I say back when I cross my arms once again and look to the other side of the room.

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