𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Eleanor's pov

We are 15 minutes later and we finally get back driving after the accident and lucky enough both of the drivers are back okay.

My epilepsy attack are also okay now after some minutes but i'm still not over the fact that Ollie dm'ed me and asked me I was okay and I even dm'ed my best friends in Italy and they couldn't believe it too and needed all info tonight when I was back at the hotel with a long long call.

"I'm still so happy the drivers are both okay." I say to Annka when we see the cars are driving after the safety car and we also have a race again.

"Yes me too, it was so dangerous you know."

"Tell me about it, without that accident I would never had my attack too but it's most important they are both okay and we still have a race to see." I reply back with a soft smile on my face.

"Yeah absolute!, safety before everything for sure and lucky enough there is no rain too cause I was afraid of it since yesterday."

"Well I watched for safety 2 days before we went to here with the train how the weather would be because you never know here in Belgium hahahahaha."

"It's the same like the weather with me in England lol, over 3 minutes it can thunder again."

"Please don't do that, I want a safe race and Ollie win okay?" I say laughing back when we both focus again.

"Let's just hope he has a good start cause we are on the way to start again." I say when I take again Madine's hand before we see Ollie has again an incredible start and let some space with the boys behind him.

"YES LET'S GOOOO OLLIE!!!!" I scream when I see him passing our tribune and wave with my flag so the people around us need to laugh and smile again a little bit and even some later we even have compliments about our flag and meet other Ollie fans around the world what makes me very happy too.

"Men, he is good today!" Annka says loud above the cars when we both look the rest of the race and every time Ollie crosses our tribune I wave hyped with my flag.

"Can you see where Jak is now?" Annka asks and I take fast my binoculars out of my bag to take a look how he is doing.

"Oh he is at place 11 now and he is very close to have 1 point today and end on place 10." I say hyped cause if he would score points that means all the 3 drivers of prema will take points today and that's very good to win the championship of f3 with teams this year again.

"Damn I hope he will ends on place 10 and i'm sure he can do it too." she says with a happy smile and I totally agree with her.

"I believe in it too, even he got a penalty and started last, he is a very good driver and he will show it once again for sure." I reply back.

"Yes I hold my candles too!" we hear Annka saying back to us with a loud voice.

"YES LET'S HOLDING CANDLES!" I scream back and we hear again everybody laughing again around us because they deff love our support for the drivers other then formula 1.

"Okay guys, last lap and Ollie leads very good." I say with a voice and I still can't believe this is really happening.

"Girl I guess you are deff his lucky charm." Annka jokes with a laugh.

"Hahahaha good one, maybe my flag is his luck this weekend." I say back when I hold him again straight in front of me for when he would passes the line first and he does.

"OMG DID HE JUST WON?" I scream very loud and I feel a lot of tears and going down cause i'm so happy he just won his first race in formula 3 and I saw it with my own eyes.

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