𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Eleanor's pov

"Oh I love this song!" I hear Ollie screaming when the song "We Ar(thur)E Never Getting Back Together" is playing on the background and I need to laugh a little bit when he pulls me on the dancefloor and he shows his amazing dancemoves.

"GO GET THEM BEARY!!!!" I hear Arthur saying very loud with a beer in his hands and 4 seconds later I hear Ollie sing very loud with the music so I take my phone and film it and when I film it, I need to giggle a little bit.

"Should I get worry?" I ask to Jak who is standing next to me on the dancefloor and I see he also needs to laugh with Ollie.

"Nah he is always like that during Taylor Swift songs, he will not break up with somebody I hope." he laughs back and on a moment I see also a girl standing next to him.

"Oh sorry Eleanor, this is Ángela." he says and I see a girl looking shy to me and I understand what she feels. Without all my conversations with Ollie I would never be so open to Arthur and Jak.

"Hi Ángela, nice to meet you." I say with a soft smile to make her feel more comfortable and I'm happy to see also a little smile on her face some seconds later.

"Hello, I'm Ángela aka the sister of Jak, oh wait I bet you already saw that, god, i'm sorry but i'm so nervous." she all says fast after each other.

"Don't worry, we are both nervous." I reply back when I come stand next to her and see her amazing outfit of the night.

" I reply back when I come stand next to her and see her amazing outfit of the night

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"Glad i'm not alone who is nervous." she laughs back but she is still a little nervous what I really understand.

"I don't even met the half of those persons before, I was even never thinking I would met Ollie ever in my life." I answer back when I see in the background Ollie dancing alone with Marcus and his girlfriend that wear a matching outfit and I absolute love their idea so when Marcus' girlfriend looking at me I smile soft to her and she waves back to me and do a sign I would join them 3 together.

"Hey, is it okay I go to Marcus and his girlfriend and also to Ollie?, you can always join us." I ask to Ángela and after some seconds doubt, she agrees with my idea and come togheter with me and Jak to the little group.

"Welcome to the group, I'm Marcus and this is my girlfriend Rose." a guy with short brown hair says to us with a voice like he comes from New Zealand.

"Nice to meet you Marcus." I say and I want to shake his hand but he gives me fast a hug so I need to laugh a little bit about his reaction.

"Hey Marcus, this is Eleanor." Ollie says when some Taylor Swift songs are done and he put soft his arm his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh the famous Eleanor huh?" Marcus says back and I look confused to Ollie now.

"Don't worry, I didn't said something bad about you." he replies back in my ear so I need to giggle a little bit.

"Oh sorry, nice to meet you Rose." I say to the stunning girl and I look again to her clothes who is standing next to the matching outfit of Marcus.

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