𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

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Ollie's pov

"Good morning everybody!" I say enthusiastic when I wake up the next day and I see everybody sitting at the kitchen table.

"Ah there is my son, how are you?, you slept good?" my mothers asks to me when I take a cup of coffee and sit next to her, seeing amazing breakfast on the table.

"I slept good, how did you all sleep?" I ask to everybody back with a big smile on my face.

"We all slept good too, even with a little bit stress for today." my mother replies back and she sighs after it.

"Are you sure you're okay mom?, you really don't look like you slept that good last night and I think I even heard you going downstairs at the middle of the night." I ask back worried.

"Okay, I just have a lot of stress for today, that's all." she finally says after some minuten and she looks in shame to the ground of the kitchen floor.

"Mom don't worry, we are here to help you and i'm sure grandmother will love the party!, you never fail with any birthday parties and we all love them." I say back to my mother when I look into her eyes and everybody on the table agrees with me.

"Really?, those words means a lot for me." my mother says back and I give her a big hug and soon we all do together a one big family hug.

"Oliver is absolute right mom, I still remember how you made my 8th birthday so beautiful and unique even the mostly things you made or did was all last minute, you really made it special and I will never forget it in my full life." my sisters says when our family hug ends and I see my mother smiling and try not to cry after my sisters reaction.

"I don't deserve you all, you guys always found the perfect words at the perfect time." my mother says.

"And that's why we are a great family!" I say back before everybody laughs.

"That's correct, also Oliver I found some good ideas for the table later but I need to get something from the shop so I will be later, so take your time for the flowers okay?" my sister says to me some moments later when we are already cleaning up the table and everybody puts some things ready already for the afternoon.

"Sure, that's okay. Do you go with the car or?"

"Haha of course I go with the car, but dad drives of course because he goes with me after the food too already."

"Allright, I will wait then for you if i'm earlier home, you can call me if I can do something already before you come home and I will make sure i'm ready when you're home." I say back to my sister with a big smile on my face.

"That's sweet brother, I will call you when we are coming home too if that's okay for you?" my sister requests before she walks out of the house together with my dad.

"No worries, see you later!" I scream back before she goes out and drives away with my father to the shop.

"Allright, we can also start with the decoration Thomas." I hear my mother saying to my brother when I walk back to the kitchen and not many seconds later i'm standing alone to the kitchen, have no idea what to do already until my mother says to me I can go already to the flowers shop to get the flowers and when i'm home, she has already a beautiful vase to put the flowers in it.

"Mom are you sure it's already open?, I mean it's early on the day and maybe the flowers aren-."

"Just go Oliver, i'm sure it's ready and otherwise you can always wait until they are ready with the flowers right?" my mother says before I can finish my line.

"And go enjoy the view of you looking at your mystery flower girl." my brother continues when he passes me and I see a really big smirk on his face.

"Oh men not again, i'm out here and go already to the shop okay?, see you later guys!"

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