𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘦𝘯

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Eleanor's pov

"Please mom you made it so akward, never do this again." I say to my mother when we close the door of the shop and go to the kitchen.

"Hahaha please you knew I would do that right?, without me you would never have that picture too." my mother giggles back when we also see my dad in the kitchen making diner tonight.

"Ah how was work today my favorite girls?" he asks to me with a smile when I smell the amazing sauce my father is making.

"Don't start about it." I say quickly back and I see my mother still giggle.

"You had a bad day?, that can happen. Did Karen came back?" my father asks back.

Yeah we have also somebody that comes names Karen and believe me, she is a Karen. Rude, give you many stress and is never ever happy so always gives you 'tips' to do it beter.

"No no you have to look to another women here." I say back when I roll my eyes and pass my father to help him with the table.

"Wait our cat?" my dad asks confused back when he looks to our cat.

"No not our cat dad!" I say quickly back.

"Huh who then?"

"Mom of course!!!" I say back.

"Your mom?, what did she done then?" my father asks again confused back.

"She freaking made me feel akward around a costumer!" I reply.

"But that costumer was freaking Oliver Bearman!" my mother says quickly before my dad can reply something.

"Wait hold on?, Oliver, like THE OLIVER BEARMAN?" my father asks confused and shocked back.

"Yeah honey, THE OLIVER BEARMAN!" my mother says enthusiastic back.

"Come on, why didn't you guys called me?, I wanted to meet him too."

"You are going to meet him maybe too in Spa francorchamps, if that guy ever wants to meet me again." I say back when I cross my arms around each other.

"What, why wouldn't he wants to meet you again?" my mother asks confused to me.

"Because you made our first conversation ever super akward for real!!" I say back.

"Oh come on, like he wasn't akward too? He was blushing too you know."

"OLIVER WAS BLUSHING?????" my father asks shocked but in an excited way.

"He absolute was believe me, he just absolute didn't wanted to show it." my mother says back and I go to the living room so I don't hear my parents not screaming anymore about the meeting with Oliver and I try to not think about him anymore until I have a message of Oliver on Instagram and I see fast it's a picture.

"Hi miss Wiggels, thank you so much for the amazing flowers!, my family and for sure my grandmother is absolute very happy as you can see :)

Can't wait to see you again soon <3


Oh my god, did he just dm'ed me a thank you, I can't believe this.

My heart is racing very hard when I see the message and for sure the amazing picture of him next to his grandmother so I save it and keep it all for myself or maybe post it on our Instagram page of our shop.

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