part 18

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Ollie's pov

"Next weekend beter Ollie, you get this for sure and we know you will fight for the worldchampionship next week at Monza." I hear Paul saying to me after my p25 at the feature race in Zandvoort.

This weekend wasn't the best but it wasn't worse too with my p11 yesterday for the sprint race here in The Netherlands but I know deep inside I could be beter this weekend too so I know where to work on next weekend for Monza as my home gp.

"We will get there!" I say back when I take my helmet off at the paddock and I put a little smile on for some camera's around me to show all my fans i'm still okay and happy about my results this weekend.

"That's the spirit Ollie, over 20 minutes we will leave for our debrief so be on time." Paul replies back and I decide to go with Jak to Campos to say congrats to Sebastian Montoya, a FRECA prema driver that finished 2 times on p8 this weekend at his first raceweekend in f3.

"So you're ready for next weekend?, you still have big chance to win the worldchampionship as a rookie Ollie." Jak asks to me when we start walking to Campos team not so far away from us.

"Absolute ready, I feel very good about next weekend so you never know what will happen." I reply back as a motivation for myself and for the full team because we can be again the best team with the most points in f3 like last year.

Our team would absolute deserve it too and it will be great too for Arthur and Jak to finish their second and last f3 prema season with a win for the full team.

"I will be already happy we all 3 finish all save and end our championship beautiful." Jak says realistic back and I totally get his point.

Even we need to score points of course for us solo and end good solo in the ranking, we need to thanks our team also for all their work they do and I hope we can make it true next week in Monza, but mostly important i'm happy to see my parents again there so I can hug them like I always hug Eleanor.

Talking about Eleanor, we try to have connection every day if we can and of course she watches every single race now and send me some videos from herself and her father saying how proud they are and I can't wait to meet her father soon.

"Hey guys, is Sebastian still here?" I ask to a girl and when I turn around I see a brown hair girl around the age of 21 without any team clothes on from f3, fia or campos so i'm confused.

"Oh you guys can wait here, I will ask it to the team." she replies with a little smile and I look weird and confused to Jak who doesn't anything too.

"Sebastian will be here at 3 minutes and oh sorry i'm Amelia aka Sebastian's girlfriend, that's why I don't wear any merchandising of the team here." she says to us 1 minute later and now i'm not confused.

"Well it's nice to meet you Amelia."

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Eleanor's pov

"That was incredible perfect Chloe." I say to one of my students in my classes.

It's Sunday, I know it's weekend then but I give every weekend also lessons in a school about motorsport next to my days at the flower boutiques that end this month starts again because of school, but I still have and save some money for my hobbies like motorsport and now also to see Ollie more in the future.

"Thank you miss Wiggels." Chloe replies back when she takes her USB stick out of the computer and go sit again at her chair in the middle of the classroom.

"So thank you all for the incredible PowerPoints about your favorite drivers in the motorsport, I think we all learn a lot about the drivers and for sure the one that doesn't drive in formula 1." I say to my class with 10 students in it and I'm happy to see the results of their work and for sure when somebody talked about Hamda AlQubaisi from FRECA in prema.

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