𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Ollie's pov

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I scream to the girl when she is just 5 meters away from me and she turns around with a smirk on her face.

"Oh you know we had fun together Ollie, I saw it so what's the problem?" she replies back like nothing happend.

"We?, you mean you right?, you hugged me without even asking!" I say back and Paul get me soon together with her to another room so the press doesn't see me atm.

"Okay are you guys going to kidnap me now too?, please can't I hug just a random guy?" the girl asks back annoying.

"You can't hug me just like that, I don't feel very comfortable about it." I reply honest back and I don't lie about it. I just don't like to hug random person, just when I feel comfortable about them or they are close to me like friends and family or members of my team.

"Gosh what is that for a stupid answer, look I know you think i'm beautiful and you're shy so that's why you didn't wanted to hug me." the girl replies back when she looks at me with a really flirt face and I roll with my eyes right in front of her.

"Look miss, we ask it one more time to leave Oliver alone. We know you are the daughter of one of the FIA safety cars and people know you around the circuit, but that's not a reason to make Oliver feel uncomfortable." my enigeer says with a calm voice before I can reply on her last answer to me.

"What will you do then if I don't let him leave alone and don't delete that one story?, you know you can't make sure I'm never allowed to go to the circuits again right?" the girl replies short after when she looks with devils eyes to my enigeer and i'm sure she would hurt him when they was nobody else of bodygaurds in the same room as us now.

"Yeah but you know we can and will talk to your father if you don't stop this shit and you can not be allowed anymore on the raceweekend or any drivers and our team will do it for sure if you don't take actions." my enigeer replies back, again with a calm voice.

"Well good luck with trying then, I do think my father will still believe my story more then a freaking stranger." the girl replies back, still with her devil face to us.

"With your answer, we all know what we will do as a team and if you dare to even try to come tonight to the party, you will be hold by a lot of guards and we will contact your father once again." my enigeer says back and look right into her eyes without any fear.

"Yeah yeah whatever, see you tonight my favorite bear." the girl just replies, end with a wink and leave the room meanwhile I look very worry and afraid to Jak.

Eleanor's pov

"Did you already hear it about Ollie?" Annke and I hear everywhere saying when we are walking back to the tribune for the qualification of formula 1.

"Do you think they talk about Ollie Bearman?" Annke asks to me with a soft voice so nobody can hear us.

"Well Olli Caldwell isn't here sadly enough so I'm almost sure it's about Ollie Bearman." I reply back and I feel a lot of mixed feelings.

"Let's hope it's nothing bad like a late grid penalty. " she replies back and I hope also it's nothing like that because he drove so good at the sprint race and he really deserves this first win.

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