𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯

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Ollie's pov

We are some days later when it's time to leave soon for spa francorchamps soon and i'm very hyped to race once again but i'm more excited about the party for my grandmother tomorrow.

"It's so excited you will do a party for your grandmother mate, shows again you are absolute a family person." Paul says with a big smile right before we do a challenge with the prema team.

"Yeah i'm so happy we do this, even she isn't that young anymore, she will be very happy with the party."

"Oh and you will see your mystery flower girl huh?" Dino teases back.

"WHAT, HOW DO YOU KNOW?" I ask confused back.

"So you have eyes on a girl?, I was just joking men hahaha." Dino says back when he starts laughing and I need to roll my eyes when also Paul joins laughing.

"Allright allright, you can both stop laughing now." I say back after some minutes.

"Well we stop laughing if you talk about her?, you talked to her right?, right Oliver?"

"Oliver please tell me talked to her or I kill you official." Paul says to me when I still silence.

"I didn't okay- now happy?" I finally say back and both boys look at me like I'm the most stupid person alive.

"Men you really suck, do you know that?" Paul asks back again with a little laugh after his question.

"Paul, i'm not a big flirt like you and you got your girlfriend via your friends so don't say something about my situation Dino." I say back to both boys.

Look I don't know a lot about Paul and his way to girls but he can easy got any girl in the world because his smooth talks and the way how he flirts easy with girls when we are here in Italy and not in any raceweekend and it suprises me he is still single and didn't got any date for some months now.

Dino on the other hand got lucky and got to know his girlfriend via a close friend of him and they met on a holiday of Sweden calls "Midsummer" and they become very close and also a couple later, again because his close friends played cupido and put them both together but I don't think that will happen to me because my friends knows I'm not into a pushing relationship and that I want to found somebody later in my life then now being so young.

"But come on men, it can be just friendship too and turn later into a relationship." Paul says back and I need to sigh as my reaction. 

"He is right Ollie, try to talk next time to her." Dino says and he smiles to me.

"Well it's possible I see her again soon." I can just say back before both of the boys look happy and hyped to me.

"Oh how come?" Dino asks back with a smirk to me.

"She works at the flower shop where I need to take the flowers for tomorrow so I see her tomorrow in the morning again." I say back with a little smile because I see her body still in front of me what I saw at the flowers shop but on the street view.

"Mate you're already soft smiling when you talk about her, we will so hard teasing you men hahahaha." Paul replies before I get back into the real world.

"No I wasn't laughing men, I was just euh thinking about my grandmother." I lie back when I look normally and serious back to Paul.

"Yeah sure, your grandmother." he laughs back before somebody of the team calls us to get into the room for the challenge and when we come in we see just a table and some funny blindfolds.

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