𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Ollie's pov

"Bro what did Lando Norris just said?" Frederik asks and I really can't believe what Lando just said when he finished his interview and I feel really jealous he said "lovely friend" and her full name after it.

"Oh men I can't see his face anymore." I reply with an angry but also dissapointed voice.

"Ollie, I should not get worry about this men, you have more problems with how you will tell the situation about you and Eleanor." he replies and he doesn't make it any beter at this moment.

"Yeah like this situation makes it beter." I answer with a sarcastic voice because this Lando situation makes it only worse and now i'm afraid she will never likes me or become that close like she is with Lando.

"You're afraid she doesn't will like you anymore since that moment with Donya?" Frederik asks when he is walking next to me back to our hotel for our debrief.

"I guess so, I just don't know what to say to her if I would meet her soon." I reply and I look down and don't look even up the full long road until our hotel and I never been so quiet and I see also that Frederik is about me because normally I would sing now some Taylor Swift songs with my first and only win.

"Will she comes to the party?" he asks to me when we walk together to the meeting room and I totally forget to ask it to her.

"Don't worry mate, I already worked on it." my enigeer says with a wink when he passes us and i'm relieved he fixed it for me.

"Thanks men." I reply back with a loud voice right before we enter the meetingroom.

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Eleanor's pov

"So Ollie's enigeer just invited you for a party tomorrow with the f2, f3 drivers and their wags?" Annka asks to me when we walk into the paddock of f1 because I really want to talk with Lando Norris.

"Yeah, I don't even know why because I bet that stupid girl will be there too and steal Ollie from me." I answer back with rolling eyes.

"Maybe it's beter you going to talk with him about the situation from Lando and you." she replies with a little smile on her face and I know she has a point.

"I don't know, image he doesn't want to see me anymore since what Lando says, what if he thinks Lando and I have something together even he just said I was a friend?" I reply back in panic.

"Okay sorry but what's the point if you think Donya and Ollie have something together?, I mean then it doesn't matter anyway, you can be perfect being together with Lando if he sees you as more as a close friend." Annka says back and she stops walking.

"Donya and Ollie really looked close on that picture." I answer and I look to the ground full of shame with give an answer like this.

"Look honey, I know they look close but maybe Donya wants to have attention or create drama in the Ollie fandom with this moment, I mean who even says that Ollie wants somebody with her?"

"Because she is more pretty then me."

"Eleanor, you know me very good that I always say everybody is beautiful inside or outside but sorry not sorry, she doesn't have it to be a wag, I still bet she does it for attention."

"Maybe you are right, I need to be more worry about Lando now." I say back when we walk again for 300 meters and stop before the Mclaren spot at the paddock and wait until Lando is coming to us and that doesn't take long.

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