part 19

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Eleanor's pov

"Is everybody here?"

We are 4 days later when I and all the students arrive at the little hotel not so far away from the circuit of Monza and the hotel is only booked for me and all the students so I'm very happy we all arrived good and safe.

We are 4 days later when I and all the students arrive at the little hotel not so far away from the circuit of Monza and the hotel is only booked for me and all the students so I'm very happy we all arrived good and safe

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"Okay so you all know we have some rules for this four days." I start saying when I hold all the tickets for the hotelrooms to get everybody their attention.

"I know there are some stupid rules but I know you all smart enough to follow them, you all sleep in a room with 3 people and of course boys and girls not together, only not for you Mickey." I continue because Mickey is now for 2 years a transgender so we all decided together he can be wherever he wants.

"Okay thank you miss Wiggels." he says fast before he is going to his friendsgroup and after 2 minutes everybody have already their roommates.

"Well that went fast." I say with a laugh and I give every person his tickets for the room in case somebody would not find it.

"Okay you all can go into your room, we will see each other over 1 hour again here at the lobby." I say and after some seconds everybody is gone and I dm short to Arthur i'm already at the hotel before I go to my room and I hear it's quiet when I arrive in my room, separate from the girl giggles then.

When I close the door behind me, I already order my clothes into the closet, take my notices and papers with me and also I change my clothes too and put my old clothes into my luggage again.

Lucky enough everybody after a hour is ready to leave so I take my students already with a mini bus to the circuit and I feel everybody is very excited to see all the live action and for sure when we arrive almost at the paddock of the forumula 1 ...

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Lucky enough everybody after a hour is ready to leave so I take my students already with a mini bus to the circuit and I feel everybody is very excited to see all the live action and for sure when we arrive almost at the paddock of the forumula 1 drivers.

"Allright I know it's stupid but how sooner you all do it, how faster you guys can enjoy the rest of this weekend, so here is your task for this week, don't forget we go tomorrow to the PREMA factory around 9 so tomorrow you only have time in the afternoon." I say to the students, give them all the papers but right before I want to enter, a big bodyguard holds me back.

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