Chapter 20

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Time seemed to pass quickly once more and now the students once again face the finals for their last term of the year. After this semester, Team RVER will be officially done with their first year in Beacon and they'll have three more years to go. Much like last time, the team helped each other review for their subjects and were given a day to train before the finals for Combat Class. Now, Team RVER sat on their seats as they watched the match between two other students which soon concluded.

"Next up is Team RVER. Mr. Carlson, Ms. Bellereve, it's your turn"

The two teens got up from their seats and went down the arena. The two stood far away from each other. Their other two teammates know that Rhys prefers to use his bow while Rinni prefers to use her ax the majority of the time. The brunette transformed his weapon into a bow and the ravennette transformed hers into an ax, much like their teammates had predicted.

The two teens stared at one another with blank gazes, obviously both trying to come up with a plan on how to beat the other. With the cue of their instructor, Rinni immediately charged at Rhys while he started to shoot arrows. Rinni used her ax to block, sometimes jumping to avoid the arrows. Rhys immediately transformed his bow into a staff, knowing that his leader was getting too close for comfort.

He blocked an upcoming slash before attempting to kick away his leader to gain some distance. The brown-eyed student didn't jump away, instead, she spun to get behind her teammate. She attempted to kick but Rhys was quick enough to turn around and spin his staff, effectively hitting the leg of his leader. Rinni jumped back, much to the delight of Rhys. Immediately the brunette charged and began to try to overwhelm the ravennette. Rinni was now forced to go on the defensive as Rhys spun his staff around while attacking Rinni. Slowly but surely, her aura was going down

Rinni, however, decided to grab ahold of one end of the staff before using her momentum and weight to catch Rhys off guard by making him stop with his flow of attack. Although it cost some aura for Rinni, it was worth it because the tables quickly changed. The ravennette was now on the offensive and was having Rhys in defense.

Rinni was rather careful not to give Rhys too many powerful attacks because she was aware that he used the kinetic energy of those attacks to fuel his speed. Some people would say that the brown-eyed leader would be at a disadvantage because they assumed that she did not have a semblance and that Rhys had the upper hand due to that factor. So imagine their shock when she beat Everet, who is the second tallest in their class, so people now knew better than to say Rinni would lose the battle.

Rhys's aura was slowly draining and he knew he had to do something because he could not stay on the defensive forever, so he decided to risk it. He used his semblance for a short while to get away from Rinni. He took Rinni's moment of hesitation due to shock to his advantage by transforming his staff into a bow and began to fire arrows in quick succession. This speed was not foreseen by anyone so Rinni had a hard time keeping up considering this was new to her.

Rhys knew it would only take some time before Rinni started to adjust to the pace of the volley of arrows, and he would run out of arrows at some point. He can clearly see that this is exhausting his leader, but he can only do so much being limited with his shots. He began to move forward as he continued to shoot his arrows trying to close the distance before he changed his weapon from its bow form to its staff form.

Rinni was not lucky enough to recover as she took a hit to the side from Rhy's staff, causing her to back away and hold her side as she caught her breath. It was however a futile attempt since Rhys decided to use his semblance to quickly close the gap and continue his attack.

Rinni tried to grab the end of the staff like she did earlier but Rhys had caught this and managed to twirl it away in time before his leader could grab hold. Rinni took this chance and used the end of the staff of her ax to hit Rhys in the midsection. This caused the young huntsman-in-training to become winded.

Rinni once again used this chance to make Rhys fall to the ground and point the blade of her ax at his neck, making him concede in defeat despite having more aura than his opponent. The two panted as Professor called the match. Rinni smiled as she put away her weapon and held out a hand to help out her teammate. Rhys only smiled back and took the hand.

"Those quick shots you did really got me winded, great job Rhys." Rinni said patting the back of her teammate

Rhys signed a thank you and complemented his leader for her own attacks as the two walked down from the arena. At the bottom of the steps there stood their two teammates who were next to battle.

"Great job you two, I honestly thought Rinni was gonna lose because of how quickly Rhys was draining her aura."

"It was unpredictable, but you two did your best efforts. Great job you two."

"Thanks, guys. Honestly, if I didn't move any quicker earlier Rhys would have definitely won the match." Rhys nodded in agreement with Rinni's statement

"Well, wish Vi and I luck."

"Good luck you two. Give it your all" Rinni said

Rinni and Rhys made their way back to their seats as their teammates took the arena, ready to fight each other.

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