3 - Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha

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Practice for College Fest.

Day After Dusshera.

"This is atrocious!", Vanraj snapped almost throwing his plastic glass of water.
"Vannu, now don't make an issue of everything. They are doing just fine—"

"Fine?! That's dance?! That's.. ugh! It's so below average! I can't let our college lose!", Vanraj said irritably standing up from his seat.

Ronnie sighed.
Just his friend being the usual King of Criticism.
Krittika sighed as well.
She looked at Aman, half annoyed. He was her father's best friend's son. He had apparently choreographed the dance on her insistence.

"Vanraj I think it's fine.", Krittika said.
Vanraj raised a brow.
"Yeah exactly. It's just fine! It's supposed to be good!", He said sitting back on his chair exasperated.

He looked up sharply at Aman.
"Mister Shah.", He corrected himself immediately. It was the norm. The top authority members of the Union were called with respect. The members included Vanraj, the President; Ronnie, the Vice President and Krittika who was the trustee's daughter. There were other members but this trio was handling the Inter College Competition.

"I have tried my best—"
"Well then, try better.", Vanraj said holding his head.

"I-I just want to meet once! Please!", He heard the known voice.
I immediately looked up.
"Must be an annoying junior. I'll look into it.", Krittika said immediately.
"No.", Vanraj said standing up.
"Let her in!", He said.

The guards let her into the auditorium.
Anupamaa walked in, half embarrassed.

"Hey! You're tha girl who fell on Vannu day before yesterday!", Ronnie said grinning.
Krittika immediately looked at Vanraj with a raised brow.
Vanraj drew in a sharp breath,
"By mistake, Kriti.", He said immediately.
"Obviously.", She replied, her gaze suspicious.

He looked at Anupamaa.
"What do you want?", He asked in his usual tone of authority.

How is he forever annoyed? Such a contrast to his Bapuji.
Anu thought looking at him.
Today he wore a simple white t shirt and trousers, still looking like an international model.
She wore a simple blue kurti, today. Hair tied up in a pony tail, nothing attractive enough.

"I-I heard there is a dance.. I want to participate.", She said finally.
"Dance? But you're a fresher, aren't you?", Ronnie said skeptically.

Vanraj looked at her from top to bottom observantly. He had heard her talking yesterday, she did seem pretty well versed in dance.
"Let her try.", He said calmly.
"Are we breaking rules now, Vanraj? I thought this dance was only for second and third years.", Krittika said immediately.

"I am the king, I make the rules.", Vanraj said smoothly sitting back.
"Aman and co. get off the stage. Let her step up.", He said.

Krittika inhaled a cold breath. As much as she liked him, his dominance had never gone down well with her. Neither had his blind love for his family. Krittika knew pretty well that there was no way she would end up in a happy marriage with him - but Vanraj Shah was known for holding onto things that couldn't be his.

Ronnie simply took the music player.

"Which song?", He asked on the mic, pulling out the cassette from a drawer.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now