7 - Yours, With Trust

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The day of the fest arrived sooner than expected.

Anupamaa was ready in her lehenga.
She finally walked out of her house to head towards the Fest's location.

Kanha ji.. please help me, okay? I want Mister Shah to be proud of his choice.

She thought, giddy.
The moment she stepped out a van, Omni van, stopped before her from out of nowhere.
She stared at it, taken aback.

A boy, college student, peeped out with a beaming warm smile.
"Vanraj bhaiya sent us to pick you up.", He said.
"Mister Shah? He's that considerate?", She asked, remembering how he clearly said he had nothing to do with her the last day.

"Ah.. you don't know him enough, ma'am.", The boy said grinning.
She nodded awkwardly, having a strange gut feeling.
She climbed into the van, and it immediately drove off.

Vanraj stood backstage looking at his wrist watch.

The event was to start in another four hours, they had wanted to practice on stage once before it started.

"I don't know why Anu is not here yet. She said she'll arrive by now.", Devika said sighing.
"Irresponsibility at its peak.", Vanraj said irritably.
"Stop being a karela neem pe chadha for once, Vannu.", Ronnie said with narrowed eyes.

Vanraj drew in a sharp breath and sat back.

Devika looked at the wall clock of the green room, uneasily.
"Ronnie, I have a bad feeling. Anu is never late, she's very punctual."
"Vannu.. I also think something is wrong.", Ronnie said.

Vanraj looked at him with a raised brow.
"Your girlfriend doesn't have a good feeling, so you also don't have a good feeling. True love, I see.", He said sarcastically.

"Just because you had a break up doesn't mean you'll criticise other happy people.", Ronnie snapped at him.

Just then Aman jogged into the green room.
"Guys, St. Francis sent a letter for the President.", He said.
"Aman, who even invited you here?", Ronnie asked irritably.
Vanraj refrained from even looking up.
"I am a student of this college, Ronnie. I know whatever happened was wrong but that's a thing for later. This letter needs to be read as soon as possible.", He said hastily.

Vanraj inhaled deeply, his jaws clenched.
He stood up at once and snatched the letter from Aman, without even looking at him.

He opened the letter.

Dear President of Gujrat Arts And Commerce College,

Sorry to let you know but you guys ain't winning this year XD

Have a terrible day.

"These guys will never stop being nasty.", Ronnie said, exhaling sharply.
Vanraj drew in a sharp breath.
"I guess I am having a bad feeling too now.", He said looking at the letter.

"What?", Ronnie asked, perplexed. Vanraj handed the letter to him.
"I need you to get everyone practising. I will go and bring Anupamaa.", He said.
"I guess you should get someone to lead the dance for now..", Aman said softly.

Vanraj looked at him sharply.

"No one will replace Anupamaa. No one can.", He said sternly.

Aman immediately looked down, half apologetic.
Vanraj stormed out of the green room.

Anupamaa found herself in a darkened room.
She could hear the footsteps of men around her, the shoes against the concrete floor.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now