20 - Responsibility

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A Week Later.

When Vanraj came back from work, Leela rushed to the door.
"Baa? What happened?", He asked a little taken aback.
She immediately held his hand and pulled him to Bhairav's bedroom. Hasmukh wasn't around, not to her knowledge, so this was probably the best time.

"Baa but..", His voice trailed off as they stepped into his Dadaji's room.
Leela immediately shut the door behind them.
"Leela, why is he here?", Bhairav asked, purposely, as he pretended to read the newspaper sitting back on his rocking chair.
"You must remind him of his responsibilities, Baba.", Leela said immediately.

"What responsibilities?", Vanraj asked, he could feel something was off.
"Vanraj..", Bhairav said finally looking up, "You are the eldest son of this family.. and your responsibility is this family. From childhood we have told you, that as a man, your first priority is us. Your parents, over everyone else. Hence you must not go to America and abandon us. Yes, that girl can go.. anyways she is not married to you legally.. but not you."

Vanraj drew in a deep breath, he firmly believed what Bhairav said. This was his conditioning.
Yet, the thought of parting from Anupamaa seemed to push daggers through his being.
Why, he did not know.

"And you must—"

The door behind them opened abruptly.
Hasmukh walked in.
Bhairav drew in a sharp breath.

"What is going on here?", He asked sharply. A very unlikely tone for him. Leela knew exactly why he was here, she replied fiercely, "Reminding Vanraj about his duties."
"More like binding him forcefully to this house in the name of duties?", Hasmukh's tone was that of mockery.

"What is wrong with you?! How can you talk to bahu that way!", Bhairav snapped immediately.
Hasmukh glared at his father wordlessly. He caught hold of Vanraj's wrist and dragged him out of the room. Vanraj was too stumped to say anything as he was pulled out.

Hasmukh pulled him to the living room and stood before him.
Looking him in the eye.
"Your duty is your wife and yourself. This family is made of adults, we can handle ourselves. Don't even dare to give up on your dreams or make your wife do it.", He said, in a tone Vanraj had heard but never noticed enough.
Today he did.
The tone of authority that Hasmukh had tried to pull off several times but somehow it was always ruined by Leela or his father.

Vanraj gulped nervously, wondering what must have happened that his father decided to defy Bhairav.
Nevertheless he nodded like an obedient son.

"Now go to your room, Anupamaa should be there.. teach her English so that she can clear the visa examination.", Hasmukh stated.
Vanraj nodded and left, head bowed.

Hasmukh headed down to his bedroom.
Leela immediately jogged down to him, eyes filled with tears of anguish and fear of losing the only one she truly loved.
"You cannot—", She tried to say.
"Trust me Leela.", He said, turning towards her, looking her in the eye, "I very well can."
"Why are you pushing my son away!"
"Because this is his life!", Hasmukh snapped back, "He is your son but you have no right to bind him! That girl is the only thing that keeps him human!"

"What?!", Leela shouted back, "My son wasn't human all these years?"
"Just living, walking around, earning money is not being human!"
"You have no right—"
"He is my son!"
"And what about me?!", Leela shouted at him.

"You chose this for yourself.", Hasmukh said sighing.
"Fine! Then go away once again! Like you did! Run away with that—"

"Leela!", Hasmukh interjected immediately.
"Why?! I can't even mention what you have actually done?!", She snapped.

Hasmukh said nothing as he looked away and stormed out of the room.
Leela watched him go through her numb eyes. The wound fresh even after a decade.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now