15 - Control Freak

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It was late at night and the golden quartet was still rummaging through old business deal papers.

"We will never find anything yaar! I'm tired!", Devika said exhausted.
They were on the floor of the Joshi house, the box with papers in the centre.
"Devu darling, try harder. It is definitely there.", Ronnie said motivating her for the nth time.
Anu was half asleep looking through stuff.
Vanraj skimmed through the papers, reading through all of them carefully.

"You know Vannu we have to go to college tomorrow.", Ronnie said yawning.
"It's today already, Ronnie.", Anu said grinning.
"Oh man.. ", Ronnie said sighing. He punched Vanraj on the arm.
"Dude we have a viva, come on man. I'm going to study.", He said.

"And I'm going to sleep.", Devika said.

"Fine, both of you go and take rest.", Anu said with a beaming smile.
Vanraj sighed as he gave an acknowledging nod.

"We should sleep too. It's three at night.", Anu said yawning.
"You sleep, I'll find the will and rest.", He said sharply.
"But.. you are tired as well.", She said softly.
"I'm never tired when it's about work. Good night.", He said without looking up.

Anupamaa decided to not poke him anymore and did what she was told.

The clock struck seven in the morning.
Anupamaa woke up abruptly.

She got out of her room to check on her husband.
Vanraj sat at the same place, his side resting against the table beside him, asleep.

He wants to do everything himself, and then ends up tired.
She sighed as she walked down to him.

She bent on one knee before him, only inches from his face. So much peace of the face that she had come to love over time. She gulped nervously as she softly whispered,
"Vanraj ji.."

He stirred but didn't wake up.
She picked up all her courage and softly touched his bicep.
"Baa.. let me sleep..", He said in his sleep.
She drew in a deep breath.

She knew he had left his family just to fight for her father's justice. For the promise he had given a dying man.
But deep down he wished to go home, be with his family.

"Vanraj ji..", She whispered again, feeling a strange guilt sweep over her.
"Baa please na..", He mumbled forcing his eyes to open.

And then he paused.

"Oh.. I.. I forgot..", He said sitting up immediately.
"It's okay.. you have that viva.. I'll get your clothes ready, Baba had some good clothes. It will fit you. But the books-"
"I will manage that.", He said immediately.

Anupamaa nodded and stood up.
"Anu..", He said.

Her heart skipped a beat.
The name sounded so good from his tongue.

"Ye-yes.", She mumbled feeling her heart pace.
"Thank you.. otherwise I would have been sleeping only.", He said with a subtle smile.
"I'm your wife.. so it's my duty.", She said trying very hard to not smile too much.

Acknowledgement was so rare.

"Thank you anyways.", He said standing up.
She nodded and headed to the room with her father's cupboard.
Vanraj watched her go.
He looked down at the papers.

I must find the will and then I must go back home. It is my family. This case is over, now I have to take their responsibility. God knows how things have been behind me. This time I'll go and make everything alright.

Somehow Anupamaa did not cross his mind now.

It was late in the afternoon when Vanraj stepped into the canteen after a traumatising viva. He had barely passed but he was glad that it was finally over.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now