17 - Safe Place

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The will of Suresh Joshi had finally been discovered - by Bhavesh from his old picture book.
On submission to the court, it has been granted immediate approval. Thanks to Rawat being under the radar for murder now, their shares too had been transferred to the Joshis.

Accurately, Anupamaa Joshi.
Since Anupamaa and Vanraj's hospital wedding still wasn't on legal papers, for the world she was still Anupamaa Joshi.
A relief because otherwise the rights would have to be transferred to Bhavesh when he turned 18.

A wave of joy and happiness had passed over the Joshis. When the Shahs had come to know their new daughter in law was now a billionaire, Leela had proceeded to mention how her son had taken the perfect decision to marry Anupamaa (quite intentionally taunting Bhairav).

And Anupamaa had just sat back on Moti Baa's jhoola (swing), stumped by the turn of fate.

The harbinger of good news, was of course her over excited husband, Vanraj.

"Arrey Anu! Are you even hearing?! A whole business empire! It's completely yours! The Rawat Mansion? That too!", Vanraj said bending before her, before the swing.
"I..? Empire..? Business?", She mumbled awkwardly.
"Obviously na Bhabhi! You are the sole owner to all of it for now!", Dolly said hoping into the excitement.
"Dekh Anu, we need a party. After all, it's all of our joint effort!", Devika said giggling.

Bhairav sat in silence observing everything.

"Atleast give up on your ego today.", Maithili said looking at her husband's skepticalism.
"Look at your grandson once. He doesn't even realise he's bending before his wife like that. He's supposed to be the man of this house in the future.", Bhairav said coldly.

Maithili did not find anything wrong with Vanraj.
He was on his knees before Anupamaa, holding her hand as she looked at him with a mix of emotions. A subtle smile on her lips, yet fear of the unknown in her numb eyes.

"Being a man doesn't mean he must be above his wife.", Maithili said in a matter of factly, "You also placed my name before yours while naming the factory."

Bhairav looked up at her, half amused.
"Delusions are good.", saying so he stood up and walked back to his room.

"How will I..?", Anu asked softly, looking at her only confidant after Devika.
"You will, Anu. Don't worry, it's not that difficult.", Vanraj held her hand a little tighter.
"Anu don't take stress, our Vannu is college topper in Business Management. He'll help you.", Ronnie said grinning.

Vanraj nodded, trying to instill the confidence in Anupamaa.
For her, this was a strange dream come true. She had never been ambitious. She wanted to work, but becoming a CEO and owner overnight was never on her bucket list.

She gulped nervously, nodding back at Vanraj with as much confidence as possible.

Maybe it was time for them to truly start afresh.

The office of the Rawat Empire was the tallest tower in Ahmedabad.
Built of glass and white walls, it was magnificent, right out of the English movies.

Vanraj got out of the autorickshaw first, staring at the building. Smitten by the grace and magnificence it held. He had worn his only suit. The one that Suresh Joshi had gifted to him.
Prussian blue in colour, a tie, faded black and his usual black trousers. Anupamaa got off behind him, still dazed.

It was the next day.

Somehow Anupamaa had pulled out a saree to wear on her first day of work. She obviously did not have a blazer and wearing a salwar kameez did not exactly feel right. So the best among her traditions was a saree. She had intentionally matched the colour with Vanraj. A light blue saree, it was. She had left her hair open, with subtle make up.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now