5 - The Calm To His Storm

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Anupamaa strode out of the library, feeling her heart pace differently. Somehow she felt like she was hurt. Her crush already had a girlfriend whom he loved so much.

The pain was real.

Ronnie and Devika had already headed down to the canteen. She too walked down there.

She heard the sound of distant chaos. Nothing new, honestly. Canteen was the place where people decided to vent out their personal frustrations on each other.

She casually walked into the space to find a crowd around the centre.

"Vanraj stop!", Anupamaa looked up, with a raised brow.
She immediately pushed in through thr crowd to the centre.

And stared in shock.
Vanraj was held back by two guards and Ronnie while the boy before him, a final year student just like him, stood with a bleeding lip.

Devika noticed Anu and immediately walked down to her.
"Krittika broke up with Vannu, that guy was mocking Vannu's on bed skills and now he's beating the pulp out of him.", Devika said sighing.

Anu looked at Devika with a completely confused expression.

"Krittika broke up..?", She asked, taken aback.
"Yeah and she cheated as well. Got pregnant with that Aman guy.", Devika said.
Anupamaa drew in a deep breath, taking that in.


"LEAVE ME!", Vanraj shouted as the other guy retaliated. While Vanraj was held back the other man caught hold of his collar.
The man's lips curved into a thin smile, almost enjoying this.

"Bro.. Krittika made you President.. did so much for you.. and you couldn't even satisfy her..", He said mocking.
Anupamaa drew in a sharp breath.
"Leave na Mukul..", The bleeding guys friend who was standing on the side said grinning menacingly.
"His weapon must be small-"

"SHUT UP!", Ronnie shouted at them.
"Tell that to your crazy friend.", Mukul said grinning, "Look at him behaving like an angry bull. No wonder she left you."
Anupamaa somehow felt the sting. She immediately walked down towards them.

"Anu yaar..", Devika mumbled in vain.

She stepped in between Mukul and Vanraj, like a pillar.

"Anupamaa get out of the way!", Ronnie shouted but again, in vain.
"You two might want to shut your nasty mouths for once and get lost, you know.", Anupamaa said sharply.
Vanraj was still struggling against the three other men.
"Who the hell are you?! Loser Shah's new girlfriend?!", Mukul said grinning.
Anupamaa inhaled a sharp breath and forced a fake smile,
"What if I am?"

Mukul stared at her awkwardly.
Anupamaa liked that look, as she turned to face Vanraj.
"Calm down.", She said softly.
"They mocked me! I-I will not leave them!", Vanraj said looking past her at Mukul.

Anu noticed the moist corners of his eyes, somehow she always saw what no one else did. He was anguished in pain. She took a step towards him and placed her hands on the sides of his neck, comfortingly.
She felt tears sting her eyes as she edged closer.
"You'll not feel any better by hitting them.", She whispered.
"You know nothing!", He shouted.
"I know everything.", She said, her tone a comforting whisper.

"If you fight them, kill them.. Nothing will change. You'll never feel better by hurting others.", She said.
Vanraj paused and looked down at her.

"No Krittika! I will not leave those eveteasers!", He had said two years ago when roadside romeos had eveteased Krittika.
"You'll never feel better by hurting others, Vanraj.. let them be.", She had replied holding his hand tightly.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now