6 - Loveless Alliance

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Vanraj found himself dressed in his best casual attire. A blue kurta with white pyjamas, hair combed to perfection. He stared at his reflection on the mirror, in a profound silence.

The tears had dried, yet he didn't feel normal. It was the feeling of strange hollowness. He picked up his perfume. A gift from Krittika. It was her favourite.
Somehow he found himself latching onto her, as he sprayed the perfume on himself.

He did not have much of a choice but to say yes. Whoever the girl was, whatever she liked, whether she was his type or not, he was supposed to be the good son and say yes.

A good son always listens to his elders.
He knew.
He kept the perfume back on the dressing table, gulping.

"You are ready?", Leela asked stepping at the doorstep.
"Yes, Baa.", He said. The tone seemed hollow. She knew her son was not the same anymore.

The eyes spoke, more than his lips could ever.
He wouldn't say it, but he was suffering. She inhaled deeply. She had guessed he loved someone and she now left him. She couldn't think of why, though. Her son was so perfect, how could anyone want to leave him.

But her son knew, he wasn't perfect. He stood looking at himself, feeling his insecurities drawing over him.

Does the hair look bad? Will Dadaji approve of my kurta? Do I look perfect?

He drew in another breath and tore his gaze off the mirror.
He found his mother staring at him with the endearment of a lifetime.
He forced a smile.

I must be the perfect son.

He thought as he walked out.

Anupamaa sat awkwardly behind her fifteen years old brother Bhavesh.
"Why do I have to go?!", She asked, half annoyed.
"It's your marriage di!", Bhavesh said irritably.

"Whatever.", She sighed sitting tight on his cycle. They stopped before her house.
"Di, behave nicely. And change your clothes, otherwise Maa will get angry.", He said.
Anu sighed and turned towards her house.

Vanraj sat on the bamboo chairs uncomfortably. His Dadaji and Bapuji sat on both sides. Baa hadn't come along. Everyone was busy discussing about how he'd become super successful in future.
The mother of the girl seemed completely invested in forging the relationship.

Vanraj did not find anything worth rooting for here. The walls of the house were shabby and worn out, nothing attractive. He had been to Krittika's mansion once, he remembered the huge hall, marble flooring and pillars, dresses in white.

He inhaled deeply as his gaze shifted to the window in the hall.
And his paused.

Anupamaa settled her hair, looking down. He could say, she was nervous and shy. He hadn't visited college today, but he could tell she was right out from her dance practice. She looked up at the door, drawing in a deep breath.
She mumbled something to herself, maybe words of confidence. She suddenly gazed towards the window.

Their eyes met.
He felt his heart skip a beat.
He immediately looked down, feeling nervousness creep in.

Anupamaa stared at the man in blue.
"Bhavesh.. is that..", She mumbled.
"Yeah.. He's so handsome na. Looks like Vinod Khanna.", Bhavesh said grinning.
Anupamaa pursed her lips feeling a gush of happy hormones.

He glanced up at the clear blue sky.

Kanha ji.. you are the bestest! Chocolate pakka for this Janmashtami.

She rushed into the house, trying very hard to not smile. She tiptoed past everyone to the bedroom.

Hasmukh looked at her go, drawing a breath of peace. He knew this girl was truly what his son needed. He knew they were rival elements. Vanraj was fire, the fire that burnt everything that touched him. And Anupamaa was the peaceful water of the Ganges. She was purity, she was peace, she was salvation.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now