16 - Homecoming

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"You are not any of the things she said.", Anupamaa said again. She knew she was mildly lying, but it was necessary.
He stared at her for moments before he wrapped his arms around her, tightly. As if drawing the comfort of a lifetime.

She drew in a deep breath.
"I like you just the way you are.. you don't have to change anything. I don't think you are anything bad.", She said, drawing herself in his warmth, slowly caressing his back.

"Will you come with me to the Shah House? I.. I wasn't going to abandon you.. I married you.. That Krittika..", He said as he edged away, getting a hold of himself.
"I know..", She said lovingly, "I will. Obviously. I am your wife."

His lips broke into a smile.

Anupamaa drew in a deep breath, and returned his smile.
Tomorrow would be her entry in her in laws house, it seemed.

The Shah House hadn't seen a good day ever since Bhairav had ousted his grandson.
Hasmukh had found himself terribly caught up in the factory that was going nowhere except losses. Leela hadn't smiled.
And Dolly hadn't had the chance to tease her elder brother and have the last laugh.

But no one had dared to raise a voice against Bhairav's decision.

Leela was in the kitchen, making the morning tea, sulking over how she missed her son.
Just then she noticed him.

"Gutlu!", She almost squealed in joy as he walked in through the gates of the house. Anupamaa followed him as he pulled her luggage in the suitcase.
Her mother had made her finally wear a cotton saree with excessive vermillion in her hair parting so that she looked like a "dulhan" or "bahu".

Vanraj had been pale and panicked since the morning, the reasons were quite obvious. He pulled the suitcase up the staircase and stood before the door.
Anupamaa behind him.

Her gaze fell on the name plate on the door.
His grandfather's name, and then his.
It was strange how his sweet Bapuji's name had been skipped. She had met the man and bonded almost instantaneously, she remembered.

Before Vanraj could knock the door opened.
Vanraj stood still to found Leela before him, teary eyed.

"You stand here.. I will get the aarti thaal for you. You've come back after so long.", She said immediately, almost not caring about Anupamaa behind Vanraj.

Vanraj was about to say something when both of them froze on the authorative voice.

"No one will do aarti for him.", Bhairav said stepping out of his room, folding back the newspaper he was reading.
"Don't you dare to call me that.", Bhairav snapped sharply.

Hasmukh immediately jogged out of his room, along with Maithili.
Leela drew in a cold breath, helplessly.

Anupamaa watched the scene like a mute spectator. Although her mother had taught her to love all elders and not judge anyone, her encounter with her husband's vulnerability had forced her to see beyond mere appearances.

And here she was, analysing the Shah House.

Vanraj drew in a deep breath.
"I had a reason to go against your wish—"
"You were my prized grandson. I gave my life to make you this! I have loved you more than my own son for this?! You go against me for some random girl—"

"She is my wife.", Vanraj said sharply, eyes still lowered.
Bhairav clenched his jaw, unimpressed.

"You married her against my wish."
"I had made a promise to her dying father. I cannot break my promise to a dead man, Dadaji. I am sorry for everything, but I did not have a choice.", He said, trying very hard to keep his voice steady.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now