13 - The First Judgement

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Anupamaa sat on the bench, trembling in anxiety and ache.
The police had finally stopped hitting Vanraj. The man who had been killed, apparently Vanraj had shot him, was from a very influential family.

The Rawat's.
She had heard of them years ago. Once upon a time they were partners to her father in business.

"You.. you are my son's wife?", Leela asked walking down to her.
Anupamaa looked up, numb.
She just nodded, wordlessly.
"We haven't met earlier, have we?", Leela asked taking a seat beside Anupamaa.

She was herself in a whirlwind of emotions. Her favourite father in law had pushed her prized son out of the house. Her son, of all people, had chosen a mere girl over his own family. Nothing made sense.

Anupamaa looked down awkwardly.
"Ye-yes.", She mumbled.
Leela drew in a deep breath.
Definitely not the daughter in law she wanted.

"What is so special about you? Why did my son leave his house for you?", She asked curtly.
Hasmukh noticed his wife intimidating the girl.
He took a step towards them when Leela glanced up fiercely.

The message was clear, Step away.

And didn't find the will to go against her.
He simply walked back to the police constable who had arrested Vanraj.

"I.. There is nothing.. there is nothing special about me.. Actually..", Anu mumbled, feeling the chills down her spine.
She could tell where Vanraj got his intimidating aura from.
Leela Hasmukh Shah was not one to be messed with.
"Actually he knew my father.. he was a prime witness.. did not confess.. so guilt..", She added.

Leela straightened up, inhaling a breath of relief.

Guilt is fine.
She thought. She had assumed the worst when her son had rebelled.
She had assumed this to be love.
His last love affair she knew, and she had wished that rich girl to be a part of her household. But this girl, a nobody, was definitely not eligible for her blue eyed son's love.

"Fine.", She said before she stood up.

Anupamaa looked at Vanraj in the jail. His back against the wall. He was staring straight in front, she couldn't say if he was looking at her.

He cannot kill anyone. He can fight with people, scream, shout.. but he cannot kill anyone.
She thought staring at him.

Kedar, the inspector, finally walked in.
Anupamaa immediately jogged down to him.

"Uncle.. they-they arrested him.. saying he killed someone.. he cannot..", She said, her voice breaking.
"Anupamaa, come aside.", Kedar said simply.

They walked down to a corner.

"The man who is killed is Gautam Rawat's younger brother. There's no way Vanraj will escape this.", Kedar whispered hastily.
"Gautam Rawat?", Anupamaa asked softly, the name was extremely familiar.
"You know him?"
"He was my father's business partner.. he was.."
"Oh yes.. he was arrested for Suresh Joshi's death..", Kedar said sighing.

And then he paused.

"I hope these two things are not connected, Anupamaa. Because.."

"Can I talk to Vanraj ji once again?", Anupamaa said, a few dots connecting in her head.
Kedar nodded.

The jail was opened again and Anupamaa rushed in.
She knelt before Vanraj, who was barely conscious.

"What?", He asked softly.
"What did that man say before you shot him? What happened?", She asked.
"Anu.. I shot him.", He whispered.
Anupamaa edged closer, reluctantly placing a hand on his bruised cheek.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now