23 - Dreamy Reunion

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There had been no conversations with his family. He had simply reached home, put a bandage on his bleeding feet, packed a bag and walked out.

A letter was left behind with a simple message.

"I will come back with my Anu."

The bag had essentials.
Water bottles, packed food, Anupamaa's anklets and clothes.

He reached the assigned place to find the same old gentleman.

"Good to see you on time.", He said.
The man had a strange aura. His presence was comforting, the positivity was undeniable. He wore a blue shirt and white trousers, looking serene amongst the crowd of stressed people.
Vanraj's lips automatically curved into a smile.
He hadn't slept last night, still struggling to walk because of the wounds on his sole.
Yet, he was here.

"This bus?", Vanraj asked looking at the public bus.
"Indeed. It will take us to the Pakistan border.", He said.
"Umm.. uncle-"
"Oh please.", The man said immediately, "Uncle makes me sound old. Call me Madhav."

Vanraj smiled awkwardly.
You are old, sir.

"I know I am old.. but would you like being called say.. sasurji (father in law) even when you are that age?", He asked amused.
Vanraj stared, a little taken aback. This man could read minds?

"No.", Vanraj whispered, looking down, embarrassed.
"Come on.. let's sit. And tell me about this girl you are ready to die for.", Madhav said beaming.
Vanraj nodded as he quietly followed the man.

They sat in the bus.
Vanraj took the window seat, Madhav beside him.

"She.. she is my wife. Very nice girl. Anupamaa, is her name.", Vanraj said, sitting back.
"Hmm.", Madhav said thoughtfully.
"And who are you going in search of?", Vanraj asked.

Madhav smiled, calmly.
"There's this friend of mine.", He said, "I know her since her childhood. She used to talk to me a lot. Whole day, she would come up with her problems asking me to solve them or take care.", He spoke fondly.

"But.. ever since she met this boy.. she has been asking me to take care of him too. Last day also.. she had a fight with him, but before leaving she told me to look after him.", He said amused.

"Even after a fight?", Vanraj asked, amused too.
"Yes. Love you see. Makes one absolutely blind.", Madhav said.

The bus started.

"Anupamaa is also like that. She is too kind for her own good.", Vanraj said.
"You love her a lot, don't you?"

Vanraj immediately straightened up.
"Love?", He asked awkwardly.

"Ofcourse. Isn't it obvious? Look at you.. left your house this early, sleepless, still bleeding from your feet.. just to find Anupamaa. You are ready to take bullets for her, lose everything.. just for this one girl. How many people would you do the same for?", Madhav said smoothly.

Vanraj sat back in silence.
"She is my wife.. this is just my duty.", Vanraj mumbled.
"Lie to the world, son. But you cannot lie to yourself.", Madhav said as he sat back.

Vanraj glanced at him.
Before sitting back, gazing out of the window.

He hugged his bag tightly, remembering her anklets.
Maybe he should really stop running from his own heart.

Almost a week had passed in the journey.

They had crossed the Pakistan border, the location was only a few hours away now, they were sitting hidden in a truck, under hay.
Madhav sat beside Vanraj, as calm as ever.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now