19 - Threads Of Love

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Anupamaa looked at him startled at the mention of the term.

How did he know?

"I saw that pamphlet yesterday.. I also have a few in my secret suitcase of memories.. no one knows of them.. but yours? Suresh uncle had told me you wanted to visit America.. now that you have money, then why not?", He said immediately.

Anu stared at him, taken aback.

He noticed me?
She thought.
"Anu.. I'll fill this form for you. Then both of us can go to America. Rawat Empire's main head office is there only. So we can live together and work together!", He said beaming with excitement.

Anu looked at the visa form, eyes welling up with tears.

"Are you sure..?", She whispered, asking her own crooked fate more than him.
"Of course! Just that you have to learn a little English for the Visa examination. I will help you. I myself learnt it a few years back to impress Krittika...", Vanraj said, and then abruptly paused at the mention of his ex girlfriend's name.

Anupamaa looked up keeping the paper aside.
Vanraj drew in a deep cold breath.

"Yeah so-"
She placed a hand on his cheek. He paused, looking at her.
She immediately pulled her hand away awkwardly, looking away.
Vanraj picked up the visa form.

"Yeah.. I.. I will do this thing. And I will give you that book of mine from where you can learn. Don't worry.", He said forcing a smile.
Anupamaa nodded, returning the smile.

He stood up to leave.
Anupamaa abruptly held his hand, almost instinctively.

He paused, looking at her, with bated breath.
"You still haven't moved on from her.. have you?", She asked, in an almost timid whisper.
He heaved a sigh.
"I will. Everyone does.", He said plainly. There was nothing to hide from her. She knew it all. She knew him.

She got off the bed, standing before him.
"Sure?", She asked softly.
Vanraj could feel his throat go numb. He immediately edged away, took his hand out of her grip.

"Okay.. forget it. There's something else.", He said, changing the topic. She knew he was avoiding it. She knew, even in his denial, that woman affected him a lot more than anything in the world could.

He walked down to the corner of the room. A tin container, a box, was placed, with a lid. It has a small lock on it. She had been wondering what it was for, ever since she had arrived here.

He pulled out the key from the drawer and opened it.

He pulled out two books. She walked down to him.
The tin box had all sorts of things. She could see newspaper clippings, a small toy for children, photographs, chocolate wrappers, letters.
"This is what helped me. I'm sure, it will do for you too.", He said as he handed her the books.
"What is this?", She asked softly.
"My treasure box.", He said beaming, "I keep all my memories in this."

He shut it and stood up, before her.
"Now let's go to sleep. I'm super tired.", He said straightening up.
Anu looked at him, observing him deeper.

"You keep memories?", She asked softly.
He drew in a deep breath.
"I do.. I want to remember the good stuff in life. I have lots of letters, paper clippings of my favourite actors, Dolly's lost toy..."
"And Krittika's letters.", She added.
She noticed the way Vanraj stiffened.
Nevertheless he nodded.

"What was so special about her—"
"I don't want to talk about her."
"You still love her?"
She noticed his agitation.
"NO!", He burst out.
"And you will not mention her before me again Anupamaa!", He almost shouted.

Anu-Raj [Estd. 1993] Where stories live. Discover now